Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day #169 - Making the Time

I received a call from my old High School Pal Amy Pascoe tonight. She had called me on my Birthday and we played some phone tag and tonight she called on her way home from work - It was 10 p.m. here so that means it was midnight there. I know she was tired, but I REALLY appreciated her making the time to call me even though she is SUPER busy these days.

I actually have this deck of cards that holds a warm thought on each card and, when I remember, I try to pull a card each day and hang it on my wall to reflect on the message while I work. These cards are a lot like fortune cookies - the sayings apply to everyone, but it is amazing how I can use the message to create a better more positive experience during the day.

Last week I pulled a card that said something like "friends nurture the soul as food nurtures the body" I am sure I butchered it, but the card suggested being mindful of past friendships and knowing the importance of nurturing those relationships. I thought of Amy when I read that - and that is the day I returned her Birthday call.

I am so proud of Amy. She is a mere 4 months away from getting her Nursing Degree (RN) and is already working in her field. This is the girl that skipped class and slept during the day in high school and now she is taking serious tests and working the hospital ER like she's George Clooney's assistant!! SWEET!! Amy truly has a natural ability to make people feel comfortable around her - I know she will rock a career in the Health Field. I hope she smiles when I say "I always knew you would"!!!

Thanks for making the time to give an old friend a call...

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We all are born ignorant, but we must work hard to remain stupid" Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. That is great to hear about Amy, and cool that you ladies keep in touch. I am going to tell you that I just ate the best mid morning snack ever.....big bowl of baby spinach, Ryker's unfinished hard boiled eggs from breakfast, a few good sized scoops of white beans from the can, and a little of my favorite ranch dressing. YUM! I ate it while reading your post. I like that idea with the deck of cards....
