Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day #167 - Soap Suds

I think the first time I really heard of "foaming soup" was at a pampered chef party. It was a way to make your hand soap last for an eternity. I did not choose to invest in the foaming soap container at that party and purchased a much more expensive pizza stone that I have probably managed to use less then 10 times over the last 10 years instead.

A year or two back my Mother-in-law, Joleen, gave her daughter's-in-law a Mothers Day gift of foaming hand soap from Bath and Body Works. She is always very thoughtful that way and makes sure we all get honored for being women on that special day. Well, Trav and I loved the soap so much we went out and bought a hole slew of the stuff for use in our kitchen and all the baths. I ran out a few weeks ago and just picked up some regular hand soap at the store and couldn't stand it, so I went out the other day and got a new stash of soap...

The following photos in no way represent a soap shrine; I am just trying to make a sweet display for my 3 readers to enjoy...:)

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Reality is ONLY seen when the mirror is clean"

1 comment:

  1. ok....cus I was thinking soap shrine for sure.....which I had no problem with. I also love soap, but I can go either way, regular or foaming. I don't think the foam lasts any longer around here. Kevin and I have a favorite scent from Bath & Body Works - "Sensual" Hand Soap - Black Currant Vanilla - they of course have the whole line of lotions, oils, etc. This is the one splurge that I can think of that I endulge in (with out a coupon)....well, heck, I guess they even sometimes do have coupons. What I am saying is that I will actually pay money for these items. It is all we have used in our bathroom for at least a year. I have my back ups in my storage closet. MmmmmmMmmmm good stuff I tell ya.
