Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day #263 - 17 Years

Today is my wedding anniversary...17 years ago today I had just said "I will" and was walking into the sunset with a man I knew was everything I could want or need.

Look how young we are...

Everything turned out just as I planned...NOT. You know what they say, "if you want to make God laugh, make plans". I had my whole future planned out when I was 15 years old. I knew exactly how it would all go. On this day 17 years ago, the plan was right on target. Little did I know life doesn't always turn out how you plan it. I also didn't realize that a wedding day is not walking into a sunset, but waking into the sunrise. It is the beginning of a new stage of life, not the end to years of dreaming and scheming.

I also didn't know that I would continue to change. I thought I knew it all, mostly anyway. I thought Travis would never change. I thought I knew all of who he was. Keep in mind I was still a baby - only 20 years old, which seemed ancient enough at the time to be setting up house on the way to happily ever after. And when I map out the last 17 years there are definite landmarks and also some landmines over that time.

Today, I feel that I know my husband better then ever, but I know I don't know it all. I feel I know myself better then ever, but I know, and hope, I will continue to change and grow over the next 17 years. I know I am happy with the way my life has turned out, even though it is not how I planned it to be, and I am so happy to have Travis as a partner in my life. He is the first person I think of talking to about things that bother me and things that excite me; he is charming, funny and sensitive; he makes me laugh and he makes me want to scream; he has taught me more about myself then I ever thought I would want to know; he is my champion when I need it and my cheerleader when I don't.

Travis is the best and brightest spot in my unplanned life and I look forward to many more sunrises and surprises as life marches on.

I Am SO Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Love one another and you will be happy.  It's as simple and as difficult as that."  ~Michael Leunig


  1. What a good wife you are!! Once again Kev and I's anniversary has come and gone w/out fan fare. Why are we ok with that? (this year the kids and I were in Utah) I think it should be celebrated and blogged from the rooftops. It is huge to be married for 17, 18 years and to still be looking forward to a bright, albeit ever changing future together. I think the thing I like the most about you and Travis's marriage relationship is the communication that you share. You seem to really enjoy each others company. You really talk and hang out. K and I are not always the best at communicating. I can be a very poor listener, and he can be an extremely detailed story teller. Which has made both of us a little leery at times to get into that thing called "communicating" too deeply. That is really a bummer for both of us.

    Congrats HB!!!

  2. Heather, you are SO CUTE!! What a touching post (o:
