Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day #248 - Floridians

I thought I would just write a tad about my Sister's kids since they flew back to Florida on Weds. I had a few opportunities to get to know them a tiny bit better while they were here this last month.

Ethan is Melissa's oldest and he is the kind of guy the girls all crush on. He is funny, nice and cute (gonna be handsome). I loved it when Avery, his 4 year old cousin, walked over to him and he said, "No, you can't hang onto my arm." The next time I looked -  there is Avery with both arms wrapped around his arm. He didn't look too happy about it, but he was a good sport and he was very nice and patient with her.

Ryker got some of the Avery weight as well. One thing I didn't know about Ryker is how he enjoys to sing...I say sing and should probably say hummmmmm....I don't think I was around him when he wasn't humming something. I hope he has the opportunity to develop the desire and enjoyment of singing.

Ethan and Ryker w/Uncle Travis

Lawson...I got to know him better than the others this visit. Lawson has a lot of depth and a big personality. His expressions are mature and he is SUPER funny. He tells stories in mega details and in turn wants EVERY detail related to him. I am used to being the bottom line girl...I couldn't get away with that in Lawson's company. Plus, Lawson has his own interesting style that I loved and the friendliest smile in the whole world.

Lawson w/the aforementioned Avery - I told him to smile..oh well.

McCauley...dimples, smiling, beautiful, poser...literally posed all the time, well whenever we mentioned a photo. So cute and such a little helper. She is such a girl, but I also saw photos of her cliff diving and heard tales of her wrestling with her big brothers - definitely one to watch.

Mc w/Aunt Keri and Cousin Seerie

It was so great to have them here and to get to know them a little better. I asked if they were excited to get home and Lawson said "no"...I know they have missed their Dad and are excited to see him, but I was touched they had been having such a great time here and then he said, "school starts 4 days after we get back." Ah, I get it, still I think they enjoyed it here in UT and it is AWESOME they made it a priority to come visit this Summer.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."  ~Stacia Tauscher


  1. Whoohoo!! I am back in the saddle and able to comment! I have never stopped reading as you know....I have been enjoying your posts, know that. Of course I really enjoyed this little guy....kind of partial to these kiddos to. We all had a great trip with you guys. The kids loved hanging w/ you and Trav. Thanks for the time you spent especially with Lawson, he will remember that for sure. You two "middlens". It is wonderful to be home, even if I am cleaning, washing, and shopping, and still am not caught up yet. It has been a fun reunion with Kev.

  2. Ah...good to have you back sure is more interesting when you are around!! :) I bet Kevin is VERY happy to have you all home again. HB
