Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day #259 - Check Mark

One more item has been checked off my Summer chores. This weekend I scraped, sanded & painted the gray deck railing. OK - not the whole railing, just the top, but that was the part that was peeling. I'm zipping right through my most important Summer projects and, aside from the Moose eating the two trees I've been working hard to save and also downing the day lilies, I'd say it has been a successful year-to-date.

Travis rode his mountain bike for 47 miles today in training for his big race day on Sept 3rd. Afterward we went to my parents house to meet everyone for dinner. While we were driving there Travis told me his back was cramping and his leg felt tight. In my parents drive-way Travis got out of the car, holding the big yellow water cup, and leaned over saying "my leg is cramping". I chuckled and told him to go in to see my Mom and make some noise in remembrance of her 'leg cramp' episode in Nephi this past July. Travis looked at me accusingly and whispered "are you laughing?"

Then I really looked at him and he was in terrible pain. I haven't seen his face contorted like that for a looooong time. I was horrified and then did my very best to hold back a laugh attack...that's right; my husband is doubled over in pain & I am about to belt out a huge laugh. It was from stress, I am sure, but reminded me of the time our neighbor came to our house when I was around 16 yrs. old to tell us another neighbor had passed away. I just laughed and laughed until he left..."ha, ha, ha...yes, I will tell my parents, ha, ha, ha" not a very comfortable situation.

Right before we left to come home my baby brother Chuck pulled out his needles to practice drawing blood on us since he has clinicals tomorrow. I volunteered right away and then chickened out. Mom went first and put on her smiley mask...she was pretty tough and Dad and Josie watched the needle go in and we all watched their faces while Chuck did a bit of digging. He did hit gold fairly quickly. I am very proud of him and it is fun to watch him mature into a career. I think he will be good in medicine.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There is no cure for laziness but a large family helps."


  1. OK, what neighbor had passed on? That is a weird one, maybe it was stress there as well, you didn't quite know how to take the news.
    That would be cool to see Chuck getting real wit it.
    Way to hammer out those chores!!!

  2. The Neighbor who passed was Mr. Bloche (sp?) whom I REALLY liked and the news came from Richter (can't remember the spelling of either). It was DEF stress and shock. I did feel sooo stupid, but I couldn't help it.
