Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day #247 - Beautiful Noise

Last night I was awakened at 2:19 a.m. by thunder so loud it felt like the house was coming down.

It was AWESOME!!!

There is a skylight in my bedroom. Sometimes I can see stars out the window and I often just lay there for the minutes before sleep begins to claim me and just look at the sky. Last night there was no sky, but there would suddenly be a bright flash and seconds later "BOOM" like the shot of a cannon, right above me, and then the echo...this happened about 3 times in a row and then it seemed to move farther away and there was only hard rain and distant thunder.

The Sonic Boom had startled me awake and my heart was pounding - it was a little rush to wake up like that, but it didn't take long for the pouring rain to put me back to sleep, even if I did think fleetingly of the leak in the mudroom...Oh well.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If the thunder is not loud, the peasant forgets to cross himself." Russian Proverb

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of loud noises.....Kev and I were on the computer today in the office....there was a loud rumbling outside, I said that sounds like the shuttle. Sure enough, we looked outside and there she goes......maybe just a rocket this go round. It is crazy to be able to look out the window at least monthly and see/hear a ball of fire speeding out of this atmosphere. Easy to get nonchalant about it. Welcome back to Florida!!
