Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day #254 - Living

I just finished listening to a book while cleaning today - it is called "Ice Queen". Have I already mentioned it? It is about a woman who gets struck by lightening and loses the color Red, but really the book is about death and life and healing.

There are Grimm's Fairy Tales woven throughout the book. I am not real familiar with them, but they are fairly dark in the telling. The one most mentioned in this book is called "Godfather Death" about a physician who learns, when Death is at a person's head, one must simply turn the body so the feet are where the head once was and Death will move on. It doesn't end well for the Physician, because no one can cheat Death forever.

I found myself sitting and listening at the end, not moving, just crying because it was heart breaking and beautiful and the message is worth sharing. The woman in the book asks a friend "what is the best way to die" and he answers "while living".

I think this can mean many things, but to me it means to make life matter; to notice that every day counts. It was a good book.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today." William Allen White


  1. Hmmmm, "while living"..... I am trying to get my mind around it.....kinda like Tim Mcgraws (what is his last name??) song, live like you were dying? I love that know it don't you? Glad you liked your book. I am in-between books at the moment. I am shopping around. Have some I am considering....I don't like to jump in too quickly, it is a commitment I don't take lightly.

  2. Yes - like the song...nice catch. That was one of the songs at Relay for Life - love that song.

    Have you read "the Help"? I think that is my next read. I have to hurry because the movie comes out soon and lately I am trying to read the book before watching the movie. Why such a commitment? Because you have to finish what you start? Or you might not be able to put it down and there is too much to do every day? What...?

  3. Yes I have read the help. I did like it.....I wasn't bowled over by it and just head over heels like I have heard from some. But yeah, it was worth the read, I am definitely looking forward to the movie.

    On books, Yes to your speculations, but also because I really want to take something away from each book I read. I am sure you do to....I think each book adds a little something more to me. Some new facts, new words to learn and use, a knowledge about a different time and place, a new understanding, a new perspective. I want to add good stuff, not waste my time.
