Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day #293 - Screen Saver

This weekend I finished 2 projects that have been on my mind for weeks.

The first was to clean out the mud room off the garage. It took several hours because I had to go thru several boxes and sort to throw away, give away and put away. There were 3 boxes that have been back there since we moved here 2 years ago waiting to be "gone through". I should have taken a before photo because the after photos are less than fabulous, but to me it looks sparkling and organized compared to the amount of stuff in there before.

The next project involves getting a new screen door for the back deck. There was a small hole in the screen when we bought the house, just big enough for Bart to stick the top of his nose thru when he was in the mood to sit and smell the outside air of an evening. Over the last two years Bart has stretched the hole wider and one day we were sitting outside and the cat came sneaking thru the hole.

For most of the Summer we have put a basket in front of the door so she cannot get through. It has been a pain to move it every time we go in and out. I even went so far as to sew up the hole - it looks terrible, like a spider web, but I thought it might help with the cat issue - it didn't, she just nosed her way through that fix as well.

We finally decided it was time to spring for a new screen and went to pick one up at Home Depot - problem is, it wouldn't fit - it was too thick and would stick when sliding it open. I took the screen back the next day and bought the screening materials one of the clerks had told me about instead. In the picture above you can see a black string made of rubber that holds the screen in place - I pulled that off all around the outside of the door and the old screen popped out, then I had to cut a new screen, set it on top and the re-insert a new black rubber string into the door using a special tool. Sounds easy.... was and it wasn't. I have a blister on my finger that ripped off in the process and I had to use a screw driver several times to get the string inside the crack more securely and something that should really be easy took me just over an hour to do...BUT I am so happy I did it and feel proud of the accomplishment; plus it saved us $80 for a new screen.

New and improved - NO HOLES...Isn't it amazing A) the things we can do when we try; and B) how completing little tasks can make us feel so good about ourselves?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "A project is complete when it starts working for you, rather than you working for it" Scott Allen


  1. Wow!! Congrats! That is huge....or I mean, those are huge accomplishments. The screen thing I can relate to, Kev has had to do that a few times. Can't believe you got er done! I am impressed....only an hour. That sounds pretty fast to me. Painful with the blister, but I bet it was totally worth it. Love that you got Bart in the mud room for the action shot. He was like, now why am I in here again? Where did all that cool stuff go? Hmmmm, am I in the same house?

    Sorry, that was a bit much. He probably thought none of that stuff. But it would be cool if he did.

    I am knee deep in a project myself....two projects really, I got side tracked off one, and that is still out, but I am more excited about finishing this other thing first. You can read my blog if you care to know more details.

  2. I am excited to see your recipe book...I too have a stack of recipe's that need to be sorted and booked...I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it...what is the other project? I may need to read it again.

    Bart was actually thinking, "listen lady, when you gonna feed me? You been back here for hours and I'm hungry."

  3. oh, well you can read Barts facial expressions much better than I. You know him well. I will bring my book when we come to UT.
