Friday, October 7, 2011

Day #283 - Really? Snow?

I am documenting the first snow of the Season so I can compare it to next year. Last night it snowed at least 4 inches. Not that big of deal really except the trees all still have leaves on them and the snow is so wet the branches are hanging precariously downward. The tree we tried to stand up, referenced in an earlier blog, gave way to the pressure and is laying on the ground again, one of my new aspens in the backyard is completely bent in half, the willow on the side of our house is dragging on the deck; I can go on and on.

I just keep thinking it is too soon, there should have been more time to prepare. I didn't get the hoses disconnected from the house, the deck chairs are still out and exposed to the snow, I didn't get the leaves raked up at all and they had just turned orange. I can't help but think this is how it would feel to be caught unprepared for a big disaster, only on a much smaller scale. Might need to give more heed to my parents and get some food storage going...doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If one asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for." Florence Scovel Shinn

1 comment:

  1. No it doesn't hurt to prepare, but it sure hurts not to. Woulda, coulda, shoulda.....we have plenty we need to be restocking as well. We keep talking about getting serious. Wouldn't it be so easy to get prepared if we were flush with cash?? Heck, that would be the first item of business. It is hard to force the money for preparedness when we are getting by for today. It would be a huge comfort though, and worth the investment, maybe even having to pay a little more to get it locked in and done.

    But yes, it does seem WAY too early for snow. Yuck.

    It has been a horrible two days here in FL. Practically hurricane wind and rain. Non stop. Just got the power back on. I want it to end badly. Kev is still out of town. It is really no fun with him gone being socked inside the house. All practices canceled, games postponed, camp outs rained out early, merit badge round ups put off. Yuck.

    All there is to do is eat.
