Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day #290 - Snore Bore


Two nights ago there was an incident in my household...a snoring attack gone postal. It is not unusual for me to get a "turn over" shake during the night. I may have even mentioned it in an earlier post, but the other night I must have been shaken, poked, prodded, tapped awake 5 times at a minimum. Keep in mind I went to bed near midnight, so that is at least once per hour until the alarm goes off at 6 a.m.

Well, after one rather hysterical shove in the shoulder, I punched Travis in the eye...not on purpose mind you, but I was intending to shove his hand away from my shoulder with my fist, but missed. I was obviously sleep deprived and not thinking straight. :) So...what is the solution?

Would you rather:

Listen to snoring OR Sleep in separate rooms?
Listen to snoring OR wear ear plugs?
Listen to snoring OR Listen to your spouse yell at the dog in the middle of the night to "stop licking his paws"?
Admit that YOU snore ALSO!!! OR Admit that you have unnaturally sensitive eardrums since your spouse somehow manages not to wake you up from your snoring issues?

Anything else you can suggest? No? Well, I went out today and brought home Breath Right Nose Strips...My friend at work thinks it helps  - we will see - wish me luck. You want to know the ironic thing about this post? I am in the loft writing and I can hear Trav sawing logs in the bedroom...precious.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” Anthony Burgess


  1. Geeeez, that sounds rough. Frustrating. Have either of you ever tried those breathing machines? Kev's brother sleeps with one, you wear a mask, it is for people that snore, but also have trouble with stopping breathing as well. I don't know the details, but it has helped their situation a bunch. I personally would rather leave the room, but you don't want to start that. Plus your rooms are so far apart....way up, or way down in the basement. Kev snores, but only on occasion, and I try and just nudge him to adjust a bit. Good luck with the nose strips....it is worth a try!

  2. I don't want to wear a breathing machine...we'll stick with the strips for now.
