Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Day #286 - A New Job

No, not me, Travis. He started his new job on Monday. He is working in Telecommunications again, something he is incredibly knowledgeable and good at, but he is not super excited about it. I think it is difficult to start any new job, but in this case he doesn't get his true product training for another week and a half; this means he is bored out of his mind.

Travis would tell you he has a bit of A.D.D. in him and I would agree. He is super smart and independent, he hates being micromanaged and he hates wasting his time unless it is on something he prefers to be doing. His first days are sitting around watching other people make calls and doing online training. Frankly, it sounds a bit boring to me as well. I think after he gets back from his training in Dallas he will feel more excited about things.

As I was sitting here thinking about my day and what I wanted to write about I felt torn - this job is such a blessing to our family, but I wish it was truly what Travis wanted to do. He is SOOOO good at Telecom and I know he will do very well at this company. I can see many opportunities for him there and I am happy for the money, the security, the safety of it all...I am just keeping my fingers crossed that he finds some joy in the job as he gets more involved.

I Am Grateful,
Diva Quote: “Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar.” Drew Carey


  1. What is the product he will be selling? How did he come across this job? Word of mouth, or just saw they had openings? Is it in SLC? Hopefully they will have those great incentives like they did at that one job he had. Talk about motivating! I hope it works out well also. He should plan on sticking with it, working his way up and running the company....because you are right, he is great at Telecom.

    Great quote.

  2. Telecom (phone and internet connections, etc) to businesses...they called him and recruited him and since the other stuff he has been working on is not happening quickly he decided to take the job...yes, it is in SLC.
