Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day #2 - Experts Rule!!

Today I am grateful for HomeDepot Experts...or department store experts. I learned that when staining a deck, if you use water based paint, it is necesary to scrape, sand, etc. before you can stain...if you use oil based paint you can just cover over after a good cleaning...why would I ever use water based stain again when it is so much easier to use oil based stain?

One year ago I purchased a home with 5 decks that requires maintenance...this might sound like a HUGE house, but really it is just a standard size home with lots of decks. I have spent most of today and will spend most of tomorrow on just the dinner deck (the biggest) to get it ready for the long winter. From the experts at Home Depot, I also learned the power sprayer I bought at Lowe's will not work with the hose...I need a connector machine...sigh. Now I know.

I should have asked before I spent $50 on the sprayer at Lowe's and instead purchased the machine I bought today for $90...the guys at Home Depot said..." you have an extra sprayer..." This is the bright side...

It is important to consult the experts when starting a new project - I am an expert at my job and should also rely on those in all other fields to share their expertise with me to accomplish my tasks in the most cost effective and efficient manner. They spent lots of time with me to make sure I got all the information I needed to feel good about the projects I have to finish before winter. I was VERY grateful for their time and knowledge...

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you are not fooling anyone. No "average" sized home could possibly have 5 DECKS. I would not classify your home as "average" in any way. It is pretty amazing really. That sounds like no small task! Sounds like you need a family fun day at your place.
