Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day #5 - An Apple A Day...

I have MANY things to be grateful for today, but I am sticking with the first thing I thought of and can't get out of my mind...that Crisp Red Delicious Apple I ate for breakfast. I often have an apple for breakfast these days, accompanied by a string cheese (for protein of course).

For some reason I have not been able to find a bad apple since I started this apple tradition. Costco sells them by the humongous bag full and they last forever in the fridge, nothing else fits in the fruit drawer with them, but who's missing strawberries :) ?

Red Delicious Apples are best when they are cold and crunchy crisp with enough juice to run down your chin and mess up your shirt for the day if you don't eat it just right.

Plus, it is easy and fast:
1) pull firm red apple out of fridge, 2) rinse off in sink (don't forget to remove sticker and place somewhere sure to drive husband a tiny bit crazy), 3) cut around core into four slices, 4) place slices into plastic sandwich bag, 5) throw baggie into purse, 6) head out door, 7) eat at leisure on the way to work, 8) Be careful of the juice...that easy - breakfast is served.

I think my point is, even the simplest things are worth at least a little thought. One of my friends once sent a card that contains, for me, the spirit of taking pleasure in simple things. I keep it at my desk and look at it every day - it reminds me of the things and people I love most. It also reminds me to chill out, don't sweat the small stuff, laugh and smile a little more today.

This little guy is laughing hard at something - his WHOLE body is expressing his joy...I like to think it is one of his parents taking the picture and making goofy baby noises at him to make him giggle, or the grass is tickling his little bare feet, or maybe he is just excited thinking about pushing around that ugly old rusty wheel barrel...who knows, but whatever it is, it can't be MUCH better than that apple I had for breakfast.

I Am Grateful,


  1. I don't know Hug.....as easy and simple and crispy good as apples can be....I still prefer mine blended into oblivion. You do a pretty good job pushing their case though. Maybe I will eat one today in honor of you. Maybe. I have not had the same good fortune as you, not all the apples I cut into have the perfect center. Have a great day. May call you later.

  2. You will need to blend me a concoction next time you come to UT - I KNOW you haul that monster bleder around with you everywhere you go. I have only had that one strange broccoli mixture you made for us - I would love to try the fruit version.
