Monday, September 20, 2010

Day #11 - If you think it...It will come...

Ahh, the Law of Attraction was evident once again in my life today.

Just over a week ago Travis and I were sitting on the Breakfast Deck chatting. I had just started this blog and was telling him some funny story's about Melissa's kids and he asked me why I wanted to blog so bad. I explained how fun it was to capture just a part of Melissa's life each day and how much I have learned about her and her family in the short time I have been reading her blog and how it made me want to share a part of myself with her as well. I also explained I felt strongly that what I think about, tends to show up in my life whether it is good or bad.

I asked if he would be open to discussing some things he would like to see happen this next year. So we started sharing some ideas. It was mostly material stuff like a new car for Travis, new roof, some other "stuff", then it shifted to his job and how we want to see his business succeed, then we decided we wanted a fridge. For some reason, we got WAY into this idea that we needed a fridge to put in the garage. We talked about where it would go, how big it would be, what color it would be and what we would put in it.

I kid you not, two days later Trav's friend called him and asked him, out of the blue, if he wanted the extra fridge in his garage since he couldn't use it in Boston. I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!

Not only did the fridge come about this weekend, but my parents called this morning and asked when they should come up to visit this week..."heck, why not today? and would you mind picking up a fridge on your way up?" - Those parents of ours are GREAT sports.

Mom and Dad came up for dinner and I had a great time. For some reason I love to hoard Mom and Dad to myself and cherish those opportunities when they come along. Anytime the whole family gets together it is hard to do anything one on one with anyone, so when they come to our individual homes for one on one time, it is so rewarding. I think they are starting a new ritual...and that is a post for another day.

One of the many reasons I chose Gratitude as the catalyst for my blog is because of the Law of Attraction - That which we think is what we become. Some people might think it is just in my head, but I have noticed subtle blessings come into my life since I began this journey. I choose to believe positive thoughts deliver positive blessings...and a surprise fridge here and there is a pretty sweet bonus.

I Am Grateful,


  1. You know I am a believer.....time and again. I need to get going on that again. Hmmmmm.... Great job on the fridge. We could not survive w/out our freezer in the garage. You will love it. Hey, nice cliff hanger there buddy.

  2. AWESOME!!!!! I KNOW ITS TRUE! ITS SO AMAZING TO WATCH AS THINGS UNFOLD LIKE THAT! Im always so surprised when it seems to happen so easily... (why I am still surprised, I know) Its super nice to have an outside fridge. If you want to go in on a 1/2 beef let me know, I think Barr and Jackie will be getting some more sometime soon. Now that you have some more space.. :) I ALWAYS love to have some alone time w/mom and dad! I ALWAYS love to get w/all the family as well, but its nice to have the one on one...

  3. Now I am having to go back and re look at all your old posts because you added pics! Whooohoo! I think I need to get a real life!
