Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day #12 - Virgo-Rama

Today is my husbands B-Day. A lot has happened today (a continuation of the dirty basement saga) and it has reminded me why I am grateful for Travis.

There was a time today when I got so upset inside that I actually had an adrenaline rush - heart beating faster, sweaty forehead, weak muscles in arms and legs, shallow breaths, on the verge of loud sobbing...all of it. I just got so overwhelmed with the possible outcome of the plumbers visit that I really thought I was on my way to a nervous breakdown. This sounds very dramatic, and it is, but that is just how I am.

When Trav got home from his meetings this afternoon he invited me to share all that we had discovered and what we were expecting to happen. I said something along these lines, "there is most likely a break in the sewer line and they might have to excavate the drive-way to get to it and the insurance won't cover the sewer line outside the house and there was water in the basement and they have to tear off the sheet rock and remove the carpet and the insurance adjuster won't return my 10 calls and the 1st plumber couldn't fix it the 2nd plumber can't get here until 5:00..." you get the picture. Travis just took it all in and his calm unworried reaction totally soothed me.

After 16 years of marriage there are times when Travis and I fight the good fight. Sometimes it is loud and sometimes it is quiet and hurtful, but most of the time we share looks that speak volumes, we understand each others reactions and when it matters most we know just what to say or do to make things better. Travis knows me better then any other person in my life. He knows when I am bluffing, he knows what I am thinking even when I say something different, he knows how to push my buttons, he knows when he goes too far, he knows when I need to hear something good and he always apologizes when he knows he is in the wrong.

Trav never waits to apologize either. When we have a fight on the phone and I don't like what is being said or "how" it is said, I will usually say "talk to you later" and hang up on him and he always calls me back, ALWAYS. There was one time that he didn't and I stewed and STEWED all day wondering why he wasn't calling me. He doesn't usually make me wait even if I am the one that should call.

Travis is my best friend and he is so funny. Sometimes I wonder if he can even BE serious and he just tells me I am serious enough for both of us. We do have a lot of fun together and love to spend time chatting on the deck most mornings and evenings (my favorite times of day). Recently we have been reading the old letters he sent me while he was living in Taiwan for 2 years. They are so entertaining and sweet. I looked forward to those letters every week and understand even more how I fell in love with him.

His birth date makes Travis a Virgo. He is good looking, authentic, dramatic and sensitive in his own unique ways. Travis rides his mountain bike or road bike almost every day and is very inspiring to me. He recently started his own business. I am very proud of him and know he will do great things with it. It takes a lot of confidence to do what he has done this year and I am happy we were in a position to give him the opportunity to make it happen.

If you ever read this Travis - I love you and am so proud to be your wife. Happy Birthday.

I Am Grateful,

Pan Tai Tai


  1. Very nice. Sounds like you've got yourself a keeper. What a positive post about your man. I am guessing Pan Tai Tai .... is code for something? I hope you get the plumbing thing worked out, or at least some reasonable answers today.

  2. Pan Tai Tai...Wife of Pan, which is Trav's Taiwan name...

  3. I love you guys! You are adorable together, and it's adorable to hear you talk about trav! You guys have a sweet relationship. How cute to read his letters.. Its crazy that it's been 16 yrs now, awesome! I hope you had good news on your pipes, on his bday!
