Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day #3 - Silly Songs

Today I am grateful for those ridiculous games my Mother-in-law always makes us play at family functions. As background I should mention that M-I-L is a retired 2nd grade teacher. There have been times over the years when I have FELT like a 2nd grader in her presence.

I have to admit, when she asked me to be in charge of one of the games we would be playing today I was not too thrilled. Of course I would do anything to make her happy because I love her and admire her in MANY ways, so I do what she wants most of the time.

She had this idea to play "Minute-To-Win-It" in teams. This idea is based on a new game show that I have only seen a total of 5 seconds of, but basically you take normal everyday items and come up with a challenge and the challengee gets 1 minute to complete the task.

There were enough of us there tonight to split into 3 teams. My team consisted of my husband Travis, and two of his nieces, Beth (11ish?) and Natalie (4ish?). These are two of the cutest girls I have ever met. Funny, outgoing, daring (with 3 brothers to challenge them & make them tough) and just cute in general. My little girls came up with a team name "DYNAMITE" and we would blow-up the fist bumps and create cheers for our teammates who were competing in the challenges.

The games consisted of things like stacking and unstacking cups, sorting M&M's into colors with one hand, bouncing pencils into cups, and using your face to move a cookie from forehead to mouth without hands and without dropping the cookie. Travis rocked his challenge and secured the over all win for the Dynamites with his masterful pencil bouncing skills.

It appears I underestimated the fun factor of elementary style gaming. There was lots of yelling, tons of laughing, some heckling and I found out I still have the heart of a 2nd grader when it counts. Thanks Ma Barker...

I Am Grateful,

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! WHHHOOOOHOOO! I HAVE NOT EVEN READ ANY OF YOUR POSTS YET. I have to go make dinner real quick....maybe eggs, then have family night. Then I will be back. Love the topic though! Good job!
