Friday, September 24, 2010

Day #15 - Rituals

At last the cliff hanger revealed...Mom and Dad have started a new ritual, at least that is what I am calling it. Mom told me they have decided that since Monday night is supposed to be family night and they are with each other every night of the week, they would start using Monday night to visit one of their children. Doing this will give them more centered time on each family/child.

Last Monday they came up to visit me and helped with the fridge, so I obviously think it is a brilliant idea, especially since I like to hoard my parents all to myself when I get the chance as we discovered in the earlier post. What can I say...I am an overlooked middle child of 6 who needs constant attention. Just kidding, of course. The only one who will not get to enjoy this new ritual is Melissa who lives in Florida and I am sorry for that.

The good news is, I feel that we have started our own ritual with blogging. I think Melissa and Keri both have it right when they say relationships are all that really matter and I think rituals or traditions help to strengthen those ties. Maybe "ritual" is more of a religious word, but it also means "routine". Maybe I meant it in more of a sacred context because family is so important to me. I don't know...but rituals are important and I am excited to see if Mom and Dad can keep this one's a good one.

I Am Grateful,


  1. That is great. Make sure they keep it up. It is a good one.....I don't see why we need to be left out.....maybe they could write letters to us on our designated Monday or something. OR maybe someone w/ any computer brains could help dad figure out how to use his computer camera and Skype. We would be ready for our long distance visit!!!

  2. oh I was just thinking that min, mom and dad just need to get a camera for their computer and golden can get them set up to skype w/you guys... I love the ritual idea they had for their family home evenings to go visit one of their family members.. Its good stuff. They haven't come to our house yet, I guess I need to invite them up. lol. I do love our blogging sessions as well! I tell golden every day how much I love you guys, and its so nice to feel connected with both of you again! love you HB, K
