Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day #13 - Peeeeeeace

Today I am grateful for indoor plumbing.

I have not had a real shower for 2 days now and cannot use my own toilet. Lucky for us a new house is going in across the street so there is a convenient porta potty we have access to in the deep of night if necessary. Now the only worry is raccoons, my friendly porcupine, deer, the neighborhood moose, turkey vultures and rogue humping dogs - no problem, it feels like camping. Don't worry, tomorrow I plan to visit my public Library again at the crack of 10 a.m.

In the next twenty four hours notice how often you use the water and sewer in your house. We can use neither until the sewer pipe gets fixed. I can turn the water on and fill up a bucket or glass, but nothing can go down the drain unless I want it on my basement floor. I hope by tomorrow night we will be back in business - please keep your fingers crossed for me.

It is time for peace again. I now dream of taking a quick warm shower, sitting on my own private toilet using my own fluffy toilet paper any time of day or night. Think of all the people in the world that don't get to experience this blessing. It is hard to imagine living without it.

I Am Grateful,


  1. I really will pray for you.. It is no doubt a thing to be grateful for! AND oh how I take it for granted! It's amazing how the little things mean the most as soon as they are taken away. I guess that is what your post is all about, huh. Love you hug, good luck! K

  2. Oh man....that is very crazy....I just got off my toilet to come in here and read your latest post. Had I read it a few minutes earlier it would have been that much sweeter. (knowing that right now it is just the three of us reading this, I feel at liberty to write at other join I will modify my posts as needed).

    I feel for you and Trav. NIGHTMARE. No fun at all. As Ker said, I will take it to the next level and not only cross my fingers, but will pray for you as well, that is definitely a big deal.
