There is so much to laugh at in this world...
I have been cramming in the continuing education training lately and I am taking an online course. I have taken this course before, but I didn't recognize the humor the last time. As I flipped through the screens I found myself wondering who wrote this? Not the "who" exactly, but the personality behind the "who". The course is on loan fraud, NOT a laughing matter, but they used words like "scurrilous" in reference to lenders and terms like "take you to the cleaners" or "dampen your doorstep" or "money is a commodity like potatoes"...I found it pretty funny as I started to really pay attention. Who would write a professional training using such biased, comical statements. Anyway, maybe this is only funny to me, but pay attention in your everyday activities, you might be surprised how much humor is to be found.
My family sort of prides itself on being sarcastic and good humored. My Aunt Diane has said she is NEVER sarcastic as it only leads to hurt feelings (cue the rolling eye laugh). Then tonight I looked up "sarcastic" in the dictionary. Sarcasm: bitter or wounding remark, taunt esp. ironically worded. Sarcastic: scornful, derisive, mocking, ridiculing, scathing...WHOOPS! Guess Aunt D was right.
One of my friends from high school was visiting recently and she made a VERY sarcastic remark to me at dinner one night and it made me feel REALLY STUPID. I was taken aback and remember thinking..."Hey, I am not stupid. Why do I feel stupid". It was no big deal, but I did get some great insight into my own humor strategies. I learned I should be thoughtful in humor at others expense because even if I don't mean to hurt someones feelings, it can still be damaging. I REALLY LOVE SARCASM...and doubt this is something I can let go of completely, but I do want to work on it. There are so many OTHER kinds of humor.
How many different kinds of laughs are there? The belly laugh (my favorite), the crying laugh, the chuckle, the roll your eyes laugh, the smirk, the bark, the snort (lots of animal sounding laughs actually), the snicker, the trying your hardest NOT to laugh, the nervous laugh, the fake laugh (least favorite), the after laugh sigh, the silent laugh, the I can't breathe laugh...What did I forget?
The moments after a good laugh always make me feel the same as I do after a good cleansing cry or sneeze...only lighter. The best laugh of all is the catching laugh. My husband jokes all the time and we laugh a lot, but I love it when he REALLY laughs hard. He doesn't do it often, but MAN I love to laugh when he does. A genuine belly laugh is so catching. I am going to look for one of those this week.
I Am Grateful,
I desire my new focus to be on skills, certainly, but mostly on my life's lessons. I believe we are meant to learn from each new experience, each memory, each relationship, good and bad situations, each obstacle and each success...why not look for those lessons and embrace them each day? New focus beginning April 18, 2012. “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” ~Vernon Howard
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day #20 - BFF
I was prepared to write about something else today, but then I got a voice mail from my Best Friend Debi. I can't help but feel a ton of gratitude for her friendship.
There are people that have touched my life so profoundly and she is one of them. We met many years ago and we might as well have been on opposite planets our lives were so different then they are today. We reconnected again through work. I don't remember how we even decided to start hanging out, it just happened, somehow I just got lucky.
Debi gets me. The message she left me today was an "I'm thinking about you" message. I can call her back tomorrow or I can call her back next month and all that matters to her is that I know she meant it. There are very few expectations in our relationship as friends and that makes it very powerful. She moved to Colorado over a year ago and I miss the daily interaction terribly, but I know if I call her and tell her I need her she will be there and I hope she knows the same thing about me.
There is also NO judgement from Debi. I could tell her ANYTHING and, although she might not let me get away with it, she would pass zero judgement on me. We do have different opinions on many things, but that also works for us because we are so open minded with each other.
She also lets me call her Debra...her name is D-E-B-I...that's it, and I LOVE that I am the only one that gets away with Debra...even her husband tells me he can't call her that for any reason. I tend to use nicknames with those I care about and this is my endearment for her. Mostly I call her that if she is in trouble, but sometimes I use it just because I know I can get away with it.
I have been blessed with good friends at different times in my life that have meant so much to me. It seems I have found those friends just when I needed them the most and when I would learn the most important lessons from them.
Debi is everything a friend should be - beautiful, insightful, kind, funny, long suffering, accepting, an excellent listener, hilarious, fun to be around, emotional, open minded, my personal psychologist...the list goes on and on. Most of all, Debi loves me for who and what I am, no matter what.
I Am Grateful,
There are people that have touched my life so profoundly and she is one of them. We met many years ago and we might as well have been on opposite planets our lives were so different then they are today. We reconnected again through work. I don't remember how we even decided to start hanging out, it just happened, somehow I just got lucky.
Debi gets me. The message she left me today was an "I'm thinking about you" message. I can call her back tomorrow or I can call her back next month and all that matters to her is that I know she meant it. There are very few expectations in our relationship as friends and that makes it very powerful. She moved to Colorado over a year ago and I miss the daily interaction terribly, but I know if I call her and tell her I need her she will be there and I hope she knows the same thing about me.
There is also NO judgement from Debi. I could tell her ANYTHING and, although she might not let me get away with it, she would pass zero judgement on me. We do have different opinions on many things, but that also works for us because we are so open minded with each other.
She also lets me call her Debra...her name is D-E-B-I...that's it, and I LOVE that I am the only one that gets away with Debra...even her husband tells me he can't call her that for any reason. I tend to use nicknames with those I care about and this is my endearment for her. Mostly I call her that if she is in trouble, but sometimes I use it just because I know I can get away with it.
I have been blessed with good friends at different times in my life that have meant so much to me. It seems I have found those friends just when I needed them the most and when I would learn the most important lessons from them.
Debi is everything a friend should be - beautiful, insightful, kind, funny, long suffering, accepting, an excellent listener, hilarious, fun to be around, emotional, open minded, my personal psychologist...the list goes on and on. Most of all, Debi loves me for who and what I am, no matter what.
I Am Grateful,
Me and Debi at the Friendship Sculpture in San Diego -
A trip we went on together earlier this year.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day #19 - Bic
I mentioned in my profile I like to write lists. As I was making an inventory in my head of the days events to select the one to write about, I found myself wishing I had a pen and paper to write it down with. I thought about my office and which pen I would use.
A while back I started buying my own pens to use at work. I decided I wanted colored pens to make my new work orders more interesting to work on. Some of those pens remain unused in my pen bucket - too light and pastel, plus they tend to dry out and/or write too thick. I tried some of the office pens, but they are almost always the thin tip that writes like chicken scratch. It reminds me of nails on a chalk board when I write with those pens.
I finally went to the local Walmart to search for some new and improved pens and I saw a regular old pack of bic pens for really cheap. They are blue instead of white, which is more modern feeling, but they write SOOOOO well. They glide.
Funny thing about pens...they are actually a pretty personal object. A person can tell some things about people by the pens they choose to use - at least I fancy I can tell.
There is a girl at my work that uses colored pens in a certain order to cross off her to do's everyday. She is one of the most organized and efficient people I know. I wonder if they are the chicken scratch pens or the glide pens? Then there is my cubicle partner - she always uses the chicken scratch pens. I am a pen thief and have accidentally stolen her pens on occasion so she started putting her name on them - too funny. My boss is definitely chicken scratch. My Mother-In-Law seems to only write in pencil. I think Travis uses whatever is handy, but I often see him using the bigger full bodied pens...hmmm. :)
A while back I started buying my own pens to use at work. I decided I wanted colored pens to make my new work orders more interesting to work on. Some of those pens remain unused in my pen bucket - too light and pastel, plus they tend to dry out and/or write too thick. I tried some of the office pens, but they are almost always the thin tip that writes like chicken scratch. It reminds me of nails on a chalk board when I write with those pens.
I finally went to the local Walmart to search for some new and improved pens and I saw a regular old pack of bic pens for really cheap. They are blue instead of white, which is more modern feeling, but they write SOOOOO well. They glide.
Funny thing about pens...they are actually a pretty personal object. A person can tell some things about people by the pens they choose to use - at least I fancy I can tell.

I think I will take inventory of the pens people use just for fun tomorrow to see what I can discover. What kind of pens do you prefer?
Bottom line, it seems no matter what fancy pen is in my pen bucket, I always reach for the simple blue bic...
I Am Grateful,
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day #18 - Stretchier
This weekend I went to my friends 40th B-Day party. It was at a club and we danced a lot. I'm not normally a dancer and we haven't been to a club for quite a while so today I am pretty sore. Every time I get up it is a journey in de-cramping the calves and glutes...The Electric Slide really took it out of me...that's right, they are still playing that oldie but goodie...oh brother.
Then at work I got a new chair because the one I used to have got caught under my desk over a long holiday week and it has been crooked for months. I was so used to it that when I sat in other peoples chairs that were straight, it was uncomfortable. I finally decided I was not doing myself any service by training my back to be crooked.
Tonight I sat on the floor and stretched for 30 minutes. My back cracked and the muscles loosened up and it felt G-O-O-O-O-D!!
Thinking about stretching I remember when several of my siblings and I took a self-improvement course a few years ago and a BIG part of that class involved figurative stretching. It was awful in a lot of ways because stepping outside of my comfort zone is...well, uncomfortable. During the course of those few weeks, I learned so much from all the challenges we faced and the best part was knowing what I CAN be and do if only I stretch myself just a little more then is comfortable.
I think about it sometimes. It is so easy to become complacent; not to worry about going the extra mile, looking the other way, not saying or doing anything to rock the boat. I will be more mindful of this over the next few days and try to stretch more often to get the cramps out!
I Am Grateful,
Then at work I got a new chair because the one I used to have got caught under my desk over a long holiday week and it has been crooked for months. I was so used to it that when I sat in other peoples chairs that were straight, it was uncomfortable. I finally decided I was not doing myself any service by training my back to be crooked.
Tonight I sat on the floor and stretched for 30 minutes. My back cracked and the muscles loosened up and it felt G-O-O-O-O-D!!
Thinking about stretching I remember when several of my siblings and I took a self-improvement course a few years ago and a BIG part of that class involved figurative stretching. It was awful in a lot of ways because stepping outside of my comfort zone is...well, uncomfortable. During the course of those few weeks, I learned so much from all the challenges we faced and the best part was knowing what I CAN be and do if only I stretch myself just a little more then is comfortable.
I think about it sometimes. It is so easy to become complacent; not to worry about going the extra mile, looking the other way, not saying or doing anything to rock the boat. I will be more mindful of this over the next few days and try to stretch more often to get the cramps out!
I Am Grateful,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day #17 - Sunday Night Football
We just said Good Night to the Welch Family (Keri, Golden & Seerie). They came up this afternoon to watch football and eat dinner with us. There is something festive about sitting and enjoying the game with good friends and/or family.
The best part of this football night was 3 of the 4 of us are participating in a pro-pick'ems football league. It adds an element of importance to who wins every game when there is something on the line even if it is something as minor as 3 points. It is funny when the game is close, the ball is on the 5 yard line and the opposing team stops them from scoring or an important field goal is missed and half the room groans and the other half cheers.
I don't really enjoy watching football myself, but when there is so much interesting distraction AND football I do like spending the time watching a game. Travis would like it if I would show more interest in games and sometimes I try, but then I just fall asleep so what is the point.
I did get a few photos to post:
It was a fun night and the lasagna wasn't half bad either.
I Am Grateful,
The best part of this football night was 3 of the 4 of us are participating in a pro-pick'ems football league. It adds an element of importance to who wins every game when there is something on the line even if it is something as minor as 3 points. It is funny when the game is close, the ball is on the 5 yard line and the opposing team stops them from scoring or an important field goal is missed and half the room groans and the other half cheers.
I don't really enjoy watching football myself, but when there is so much interesting distraction AND football I do like spending the time watching a game. Travis would like it if I would show more interest in games and sometimes I try, but then I just fall asleep so what is the point.
I did get a few photos to post:
Travis and Seerie Bird
Golden and Keri
Too Cute for Words...
It was a fun night and the lasagna wasn't half bad either.
I Am Grateful,
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day #16 - Sunshine
It is a beautiful day here in Park City, UT. I love it when the sun is shining and the air is a little bit crisp. The sun is shining bright today in a blue sky and the leaves on the trees are beginning to glow. My dog and cat LOVE to sleep in a puddle of sunlight. I like to look at them stretched out in the spotlight on the stairs, eyes shut and a small smile on their faces - I swear they do smile. Sometimes I take a minute to lay down next to them and absorb the warmth coming through the window and it does make me want to stretch and purr just like they do. I will try to get a photo to post next time I see it.
Practically speaking, the sun has many functions. The leaves change color because the shorter days and less sunlight in the fall along with the changing temperatures. The sun is a great source of vitamin D which helps absorb calcium, increases immune system, etc. We've all heard that sunshine helps with resistance to depression and it is hard to feel bad when lifting your face up to the sun. I read somewhere recently that it is good to expose your eyes to sunlight each day - the tissue under the eyes absorbs the light. I don't mean you should stare at the sun, but maybe give your eyes a minute to absorb the light instead of always wearing sunglasses. I have also read that getting enough sun helps with sleep.
I also love to work in the yard or just hand water the flowers with the sun shining down on me. Then there are the sunsets. I have seen some beautiful sunrises as well, especially in the spring. All those beautiful colors in the sky, including rainbows, would not be possible without sunlight.
It is just so beautiful today, I had to give the sunshine its due.
I Am Grateful,
Sunrise here in Summit Park.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Day #15 - Rituals
At last the cliff hanger revealed...Mom and Dad have started a new ritual, at least that is what I am calling it. Mom told me they have decided that since Monday night is supposed to be family night and they are with each other every night of the week, they would start using Monday night to visit one of their children. Doing this will give them more centered time on each family/child.
Last Monday they came up to visit me and helped with the fridge, so I obviously think it is a brilliant idea, especially since I like to hoard my parents all to myself when I get the chance as we discovered in the earlier post. What can I say...I am an overlooked middle child of 6 who needs constant attention. Just kidding, of course. The only one who will not get to enjoy this new ritual is Melissa who lives in Florida and I am sorry for that.
The good news is, I feel that we have started our own ritual with blogging. I think Melissa and Keri both have it right when they say relationships are all that really matter and I think rituals or traditions help to strengthen those ties. Maybe "ritual" is more of a religious word, but it also means "routine". Maybe I meant it in more of a sacred context because family is so important to me. I don't know...but rituals are important and I am excited to see if Mom and Dad can keep this one's a good one.
I Am Grateful,
Last Monday they came up to visit me and helped with the fridge, so I obviously think it is a brilliant idea, especially since I like to hoard my parents all to myself when I get the chance as we discovered in the earlier post. What can I say...I am an overlooked middle child of 6 who needs constant attention. Just kidding, of course. The only one who will not get to enjoy this new ritual is Melissa who lives in Florida and I am sorry for that.
The good news is, I feel that we have started our own ritual with blogging. I think Melissa and Keri both have it right when they say relationships are all that really matter and I think rituals or traditions help to strengthen those ties. Maybe "ritual" is more of a religious word, but it also means "routine". Maybe I meant it in more of a sacred context because family is so important to me. I don't know...but rituals are important and I am excited to see if Mom and Dad can keep this one's a good one.
I Am Grateful,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day #14 - The Dirt Digger
There has to be someone that digs the dirt. Today I mean this literally, but it can also be figurative.
I have a hole in my yard that is 6 feet deep and about 3 - 4 feet wide. When I knew where they would dig the hole I did not know how they would get the proper machinery to the spot. It is steep with the only access being a set of stairs by the side of the house. Well, turns out they dug the hole the old fashioned way...shovels, picks, arms and backs.
Now that the hole is dug, the clog must come out. Good news is - the pipe doesn't look broken. There really was a clog in there. Bad news is, the clog is all roots. They pulled out something that looks like sod...tightly packed like grass and 5 hours into it (digging and all), they are still working with the root system.
The Dirt Digger...I asked one of the men if this is what they do every day. He told me that is his job. He digs. He digs for water lines, sewer lines, stop and wastes, sprinkler lines, etc. It made me think of all the dirt out there. For all the dirt, someone has to move it, clean it, stack it, spread it...Dirt has to be dealt with.
Even my job has dirt work that has to get done. Most of the time that task falls to me, but this one time stands out as a life learning experience that I will never allow myself to forget. I work for an account where management views issues as "guilty until proven innocent" even when all the facts are not in. To make the story short, our corporate client received a call from someone in another state accusing our agent of selling their property undervalue.
This blew up on the account manager that worked with me and handled the deal (assigned the agent, managed the transaction, presented offers etc.). This was very difficult on this particular employee who had done all that she knew to do in order to get the best price for the corporation. There were 30 offers received on this property (this was obviously when the market was booming) and the highest price and best terms had been accepted. The problem was, the Buyer of the property put it back on the market immediately after closing at 3 times the price they purchased it for. The property was only listed and had not sold at a higher value, but the damage was done with one phone call.
After weeks of providing information and evidence to the corporate client concerning the market, property values in the area, ethics concerning the handling of the transaction, etc. our boss called all 4 of us currently working on the account into her office. We sat around her conference table to discuss this issue. She had purchased a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and sat at the table cutting the stems and placing the flowers one by one into a vase of water as she spoke. I remember thinking later how symbolic this was.
As she cut and arranged the flowers she said something to this effect, "You all work very hard and you do an excellent job. This situation could not have been avoided with the processes currently in place. From now on, I don't want you to think about this file. This file is mine now. I will take this problem and I will deal with it. There is no longer any reason that you cannot move forward and continue doing the excellent job you are all capable of doing."
I have shared this story before, so if you have heard it, sorry, but it holds meaning for me and reminds me of the Savior and a "real life" application of the Atonement. I immediately felt such relief for my co-worker and for myself to know this issue was no longer my problem and it was in the most capable hands. The figurative dirt was shifted, the rocks removed and the ground contained flowers with only the weeding left to maintain.
Through review of this transaction we also created better more thorough processes that we still employ today. I have learned that most problems present opportunities for improvement and discovery if approached with an open mind.
So, for the literal and the figurative dirt diggers...
I Am Grateful,
P.S. I just took a shower...oh, sweet, sweet soap and water.
I have a hole in my yard that is 6 feet deep and about 3 - 4 feet wide. When I knew where they would dig the hole I did not know how they would get the proper machinery to the spot. It is steep with the only access being a set of stairs by the side of the house. Well, turns out they dug the hole the old fashioned way...shovels, picks, arms and backs.
Now that the hole is dug, the clog must come out. Good news is - the pipe doesn't look broken. There really was a clog in there. Bad news is, the clog is all roots. They pulled out something that looks like sod...tightly packed like grass and 5 hours into it (digging and all), they are still working with the root system.
The Dirt Digger...I asked one of the men if this is what they do every day. He told me that is his job. He digs. He digs for water lines, sewer lines, stop and wastes, sprinkler lines, etc. It made me think of all the dirt out there. For all the dirt, someone has to move it, clean it, stack it, spread it...Dirt has to be dealt with.
Even my job has dirt work that has to get done. Most of the time that task falls to me, but this one time stands out as a life learning experience that I will never allow myself to forget. I work for an account where management views issues as "guilty until proven innocent" even when all the facts are not in. To make the story short, our corporate client received a call from someone in another state accusing our agent of selling their property undervalue.
This blew up on the account manager that worked with me and handled the deal (assigned the agent, managed the transaction, presented offers etc.). This was very difficult on this particular employee who had done all that she knew to do in order to get the best price for the corporation. There were 30 offers received on this property (this was obviously when the market was booming) and the highest price and best terms had been accepted. The problem was, the Buyer of the property put it back on the market immediately after closing at 3 times the price they purchased it for. The property was only listed and had not sold at a higher value, but the damage was done with one phone call.
After weeks of providing information and evidence to the corporate client concerning the market, property values in the area, ethics concerning the handling of the transaction, etc. our boss called all 4 of us currently working on the account into her office. We sat around her conference table to discuss this issue. She had purchased a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store and sat at the table cutting the stems and placing the flowers one by one into a vase of water as she spoke. I remember thinking later how symbolic this was.
As she cut and arranged the flowers she said something to this effect, "You all work very hard and you do an excellent job. This situation could not have been avoided with the processes currently in place. From now on, I don't want you to think about this file. This file is mine now. I will take this problem and I will deal with it. There is no longer any reason that you cannot move forward and continue doing the excellent job you are all capable of doing."
I have shared this story before, so if you have heard it, sorry, but it holds meaning for me and reminds me of the Savior and a "real life" application of the Atonement. I immediately felt such relief for my co-worker and for myself to know this issue was no longer my problem and it was in the most capable hands. The figurative dirt was shifted, the rocks removed and the ground contained flowers with only the weeding left to maintain.
Through review of this transaction we also created better more thorough processes that we still employ today. I have learned that most problems present opportunities for improvement and discovery if approached with an open mind.
So, for the literal and the figurative dirt diggers...
I Am Grateful,
P.S. I just took a shower...oh, sweet, sweet soap and water.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day #13 - Peeeeeeace
Today I am grateful for indoor plumbing.
I have not had a real shower for 2 days now and cannot use my own toilet. Lucky for us a new house is going in across the street so there is a convenient porta potty we have access to in the deep of night if necessary. Now the only worry is raccoons, my friendly porcupine, deer, the neighborhood moose, turkey vultures and rogue humping dogs - no problem, it feels like camping. Don't worry, tomorrow I plan to visit my public Library again at the crack of 10 a.m.
In the next twenty four hours notice how often you use the water and sewer in your house. We can use neither until the sewer pipe gets fixed. I can turn the water on and fill up a bucket or glass, but nothing can go down the drain unless I want it on my basement floor. I hope by tomorrow night we will be back in business - please keep your fingers crossed for me.
It is time for peace again. I now dream of taking a quick warm shower, sitting on my own private toilet using my own fluffy toilet paper any time of day or night. Think of all the people in the world that don't get to experience this blessing. It is hard to imagine living without it.
I Am Grateful,
I have not had a real shower for 2 days now and cannot use my own toilet. Lucky for us a new house is going in across the street so there is a convenient porta potty we have access to in the deep of night if necessary. Now the only worry is raccoons, my friendly porcupine, deer, the neighborhood moose, turkey vultures and rogue humping dogs - no problem, it feels like camping. Don't worry, tomorrow I plan to visit my public Library again at the crack of 10 a.m.
In the next twenty four hours notice how often you use the water and sewer in your house. We can use neither until the sewer pipe gets fixed. I can turn the water on and fill up a bucket or glass, but nothing can go down the drain unless I want it on my basement floor. I hope by tomorrow night we will be back in business - please keep your fingers crossed for me.
It is time for peace again. I now dream of taking a quick warm shower, sitting on my own private toilet using my own fluffy toilet paper any time of day or night. Think of all the people in the world that don't get to experience this blessing. It is hard to imagine living without it.
I Am Grateful,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day #12 - Virgo-Rama
Today is my husbands B-Day. A lot has happened today (a continuation of the dirty basement saga) and it has reminded me why I am grateful for Travis.
There was a time today when I got so upset inside that I actually had an adrenaline rush - heart beating faster, sweaty forehead, weak muscles in arms and legs, shallow breaths, on the verge of loud sobbing...all of it. I just got so overwhelmed with the possible outcome of the plumbers visit that I really thought I was on my way to a nervous breakdown. This sounds very dramatic, and it is, but that is just how I am.
When Trav got home from his meetings this afternoon he invited me to share all that we had discovered and what we were expecting to happen. I said something along these lines, "there is most likely a break in the sewer line and they might have to excavate the drive-way to get to it and the insurance won't cover the sewer line outside the house and there was water in the basement and they have to tear off the sheet rock and remove the carpet and the insurance adjuster won't return my 10 calls and the 1st plumber couldn't fix it the 2nd plumber can't get here until 5:00..." you get the picture. Travis just took it all in and his calm unworried reaction totally soothed me.
After 16 years of marriage there are times when Travis and I fight the good fight. Sometimes it is loud and sometimes it is quiet and hurtful, but most of the time we share looks that speak volumes, we understand each others reactions and when it matters most we know just what to say or do to make things better. Travis knows me better then any other person in my life. He knows when I am bluffing, he knows what I am thinking even when I say something different, he knows how to push my buttons, he knows when he goes too far, he knows when I need to hear something good and he always apologizes when he knows he is in the wrong.
Trav never waits to apologize either. When we have a fight on the phone and I don't like what is being said or "how" it is said, I will usually say "talk to you later" and hang up on him and he always calls me back, ALWAYS. There was one time that he didn't and I stewed and STEWED all day wondering why he wasn't calling me. He doesn't usually make me wait even if I am the one that should call.
There was a time today when I got so upset inside that I actually had an adrenaline rush - heart beating faster, sweaty forehead, weak muscles in arms and legs, shallow breaths, on the verge of loud sobbing...all of it. I just got so overwhelmed with the possible outcome of the plumbers visit that I really thought I was on my way to a nervous breakdown. This sounds very dramatic, and it is, but that is just how I am.
When Trav got home from his meetings this afternoon he invited me to share all that we had discovered and what we were expecting to happen. I said something along these lines, "there is most likely a break in the sewer line and they might have to excavate the drive-way to get to it and the insurance won't cover the sewer line outside the house and there was water in the basement and they have to tear off the sheet rock and remove the carpet and the insurance adjuster won't return my 10 calls and the 1st plumber couldn't fix it the 2nd plumber can't get here until 5:00..." you get the picture. Travis just took it all in and his calm unworried reaction totally soothed me.
After 16 years of marriage there are times when Travis and I fight the good fight. Sometimes it is loud and sometimes it is quiet and hurtful, but most of the time we share looks that speak volumes, we understand each others reactions and when it matters most we know just what to say or do to make things better. Travis knows me better then any other person in my life. He knows when I am bluffing, he knows what I am thinking even when I say something different, he knows how to push my buttons, he knows when he goes too far, he knows when I need to hear something good and he always apologizes when he knows he is in the wrong.
Trav never waits to apologize either. When we have a fight on the phone and I don't like what is being said or "how" it is said, I will usually say "talk to you later" and hang up on him and he always calls me back, ALWAYS. There was one time that he didn't and I stewed and STEWED all day wondering why he wasn't calling me. He doesn't usually make me wait even if I am the one that should call.
Travis is my best friend and he is so funny. Sometimes I wonder if he can even BE serious and he just tells me I am serious enough for both of us. We do have a lot of fun together and love to spend time chatting on the deck most mornings and evenings (my favorite times of day). Recently we have been reading the old letters he sent me while he was living in Taiwan for 2 years. They are so entertaining and sweet. I looked forward to those letters every week and understand even more how I fell in love with him.
His birth date makes Travis a Virgo. He is good looking, authentic, dramatic and sensitive in his own unique ways. Travis rides his mountain bike or road bike almost every day and is very inspiring to me. He recently started his own business. I am very proud of him and know he will do great things with it. It takes a lot of confidence to do what he has done this year and I am happy we were in a position to give him the opportunity to make it happen.
If you ever read this Travis - I love you and am so proud to be your wife. Happy Birthday.
I Am Grateful,
Pan Tai Tai
Monday, September 20, 2010
Day #11 - If you think it...It will come...
Ahh, the Law of Attraction was evident once again in my life today.
Just over a week ago Travis and I were sitting on the Breakfast Deck chatting. I had just started this blog and was telling him some funny story's about Melissa's kids and he asked me why I wanted to blog so bad. I explained how fun it was to capture just a part of Melissa's life each day and how much I have learned about her and her family in the short time I have been reading her blog and how it made me want to share a part of myself with her as well. I also explained I felt strongly that what I think about, tends to show up in my life whether it is good or bad.
I asked if he would be open to discussing some things he would like to see happen this next year. So we started sharing some ideas. It was mostly material stuff like a new car for Travis, new roof, some other "stuff", then it shifted to his job and how we want to see his business succeed, then we decided we wanted a fridge. For some reason, we got WAY into this idea that we needed a fridge to put in the garage. We talked about where it would go, how big it would be, what color it would be and what we would put in it.
I kid you not, two days later Trav's friend called him and asked him, out of the blue, if he wanted the extra fridge in his garage since he couldn't use it in Boston. I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!
Not only did the fridge come about this weekend, but my parents called this morning and asked when they should come up to visit this week..."heck, why not today? and would you mind picking up a fridge on your way up?" - Those parents of ours are GREAT sports.
Mom and Dad came up for dinner and I had a great time. For some reason I love to hoard Mom and Dad to myself and cherish those opportunities when they come along. Anytime the whole family gets together it is hard to do anything one on one with anyone, so when they come to our individual homes for one on one time, it is so rewarding. I think they are starting a new ritual...and that is a post for another day.
One of the many reasons I chose Gratitude as the catalyst for my blog is because of the Law of Attraction - That which we think is what we become. Some people might think it is just in my head, but I have noticed subtle blessings come into my life since I began this journey. I choose to believe positive thoughts deliver positive blessings...and a surprise fridge here and there is a pretty sweet bonus.
I Am Grateful,
Just over a week ago Travis and I were sitting on the Breakfast Deck chatting. I had just started this blog and was telling him some funny story's about Melissa's kids and he asked me why I wanted to blog so bad. I explained how fun it was to capture just a part of Melissa's life each day and how much I have learned about her and her family in the short time I have been reading her blog and how it made me want to share a part of myself with her as well. I also explained I felt strongly that what I think about, tends to show up in my life whether it is good or bad.
I asked if he would be open to discussing some things he would like to see happen this next year. So we started sharing some ideas. It was mostly material stuff like a new car for Travis, new roof, some other "stuff", then it shifted to his job and how we want to see his business succeed, then we decided we wanted a fridge. For some reason, we got WAY into this idea that we needed a fridge to put in the garage. We talked about where it would go, how big it would be, what color it would be and what we would put in it.
I kid you not, two days later Trav's friend called him and asked him, out of the blue, if he wanted the extra fridge in his garage since he couldn't use it in Boston. I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!
Not only did the fridge come about this weekend, but my parents called this morning and asked when they should come up to visit this week..."heck, why not today? and would you mind picking up a fridge on your way up?" - Those parents of ours are GREAT sports.
Mom and Dad came up for dinner and I had a great time. For some reason I love to hoard Mom and Dad to myself and cherish those opportunities when they come along. Anytime the whole family gets together it is hard to do anything one on one with anyone, so when they come to our individual homes for one on one time, it is so rewarding. I think they are starting a new ritual...and that is a post for another day.
One of the many reasons I chose Gratitude as the catalyst for my blog is because of the Law of Attraction - That which we think is what we become. Some people might think it is just in my head, but I have noticed subtle blessings come into my life since I began this journey. I choose to believe positive thoughts deliver positive blessings...and a surprise fridge here and there is a pretty sweet bonus.
I Am Grateful,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Day #10 - I am grateful, I AM Grateful, I am GRATEFUL...?
See...this is why I have decided to do this exercise in gratitude. Right now I am so...bothered. It is ONLY day 10 and I am NOT in a space of thanksgiving right now...
The last few nights we have allowed my nephew's friends to sleep in our basement as guests. My nephew is renting our studio apartment that is separate from our house and these friends were visiting from Colorado. At first we were reluctant because we don't know them, etc. but I finally decided it would help them out and make it more comfortable for them to visit him. Travis was NEVER on board, but he allowed it because I asked him to.
I was just heading up to do my post for the night and noticed a light on downstairs - I went down to turn it off and decided to check out the room and bathroom they had used and for the most part it looked fine although the tub was pretty gungy...oh well, it happens. Then I decided to use the bathroom while I was down there...WELL...It was NOT PRETTY.
I stomped out to my nephews apartment and his roommate came to take a look and plunge the toilet, etc. After the first seemingly successful plunge the water filled again and came up through the tub and eventually overflowed from the toilet onto the carpet...WHAT THE...? Tomorrow I get to call the plumber and have it looked at. AND clean up after these inconsiderate little...well, you know.
NOW, I ask you...have you ever plugged up a toilet in someones house and NOT TOLD THEM? OR have you ever plugged up a toilet in a house you were staying in because of a FRIEND and not at least TOLD YOUR FRIEND about it? Frankly, I can't believe they left their friends in the position to deal with the homeowner and the situation without at least a heads up.
Now I need to decide if I should post this or start over. Is there something in there to be grateful for?
Actually, I have discovered a few things:
1) I found it early. If that light hadn't been on it might have been a week before I went down there to change sheets, clean the bathroom and vacuum.
2) The roommate was super apologetic about the whole thing. He jumped in immediately to handle the situation and stated he will "obviously" pay for the plumber to come out and will certainly clean the bathroom when it is fixed again.
3) It would have been BETTER if it hadn't happened at all, but the house is still standing and it is something that should be fixable...not all is lost - Don't cry over spilled milk and all that...
There will be consequences to this adventure. There will be NO WAY Travis will let anymore of their friends stay here. At least I don't think so; I certainly feel some reluctance after this experience as well. Maybe I will get to work through that after the pain of incredulity wears off.
Maybe I really am just grateful I have a space where I can vent and come away feeling less bothered and ready to move forward in a more peaceful attitude.
I Am Grateful,
The last few nights we have allowed my nephew's friends to sleep in our basement as guests. My nephew is renting our studio apartment that is separate from our house and these friends were visiting from Colorado. At first we were reluctant because we don't know them, etc. but I finally decided it would help them out and make it more comfortable for them to visit him. Travis was NEVER on board, but he allowed it because I asked him to.
I was just heading up to do my post for the night and noticed a light on downstairs - I went down to turn it off and decided to check out the room and bathroom they had used and for the most part it looked fine although the tub was pretty gungy...oh well, it happens. Then I decided to use the bathroom while I was down there...WELL...It was NOT PRETTY.
I stomped out to my nephews apartment and his roommate came to take a look and plunge the toilet, etc. After the first seemingly successful plunge the water filled again and came up through the tub and eventually overflowed from the toilet onto the carpet...WHAT THE...? Tomorrow I get to call the plumber and have it looked at. AND clean up after these inconsiderate little...well, you know.
NOW, I ask you...have you ever plugged up a toilet in someones house and NOT TOLD THEM? OR have you ever plugged up a toilet in a house you were staying in because of a FRIEND and not at least TOLD YOUR FRIEND about it? Frankly, I can't believe they left their friends in the position to deal with the homeowner and the situation without at least a heads up.
Now I need to decide if I should post this or start over. Is there something in there to be grateful for?
Actually, I have discovered a few things:
1) I found it early. If that light hadn't been on it might have been a week before I went down there to change sheets, clean the bathroom and vacuum.
2) The roommate was super apologetic about the whole thing. He jumped in immediately to handle the situation and stated he will "obviously" pay for the plumber to come out and will certainly clean the bathroom when it is fixed again.
3) It would have been BETTER if it hadn't happened at all, but the house is still standing and it is something that should be fixable...not all is lost - Don't cry over spilled milk and all that...
There will be consequences to this adventure. There will be NO WAY Travis will let anymore of their friends stay here. At least I don't think so; I certainly feel some reluctance after this experience as well. Maybe I will get to work through that after the pain of incredulity wears off.
Maybe I really am just grateful I have a space where I can vent and come away feeling less bothered and ready to move forward in a more peaceful attitude.
I Am Grateful,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day #9 - Dad's Dirty Ethics
I was very disappointed a few years ago when my yellow Dyson Vacuum conked out on me. Those vacuums are expensive so I decided to get a cheaper version - I think it was a Dirt Devil or maybe even a Hoover. Well, that didn't last long either so when I moved to my new house a year ago, I purchased the Purple Dyson hoping to have better luck this time.
I am sorry to say the last few weeks and off and on over the last few months it seems the Purple Vac is losing suction...I run over a piece of string 4 times and it still isn't picking it up. I decided to investigate the thing instead of just emptying out the canister to see if I could discover a way to fix it.
Sitting on the floor with the purple disappointment upended and sitting in my lap, scissors cutting through thick hair and string that had got caught around the roller over time, I was reminded of my Dad. I don't know how many times I sat by him on the floor when he emptied the bag of dust and grime that had accumulated inside onto newspaper in the family room. I think the bag was permanent so you couldn't just take the bag out and insert a new one. I remember when we had to go through the grime because a suspected treasure had been sucked up and I remember my Dad taking that thing apart to de-clog it and how he would sit with the vacuum in his lap cutting the hair and grime out of the way. This was the first thing I tried and the reason I knew what to do is because, as a kid, I watched my Dad.
I think I learned a strong work ethic from Dad. I think he must have traveled two weeks out of every month and when he was home he seemed to constantly be working on projects. We would weed with him on the weekends, he would let us help him work on the house hanging sheet rock (he'd let us snap that blue chalk line maker - our favorite part), we would watch him build our forts, the playhouse and swing set, the dog kennels and other animal shelters and we would watch him painstakingly stain the redwood house every 5 years using scaffolding all around the tall walls. And BOY would Dad sweat hard. I remember it would drip off his nose and he ALWAYS had a hankie in his pocket or tied around his face, ALWAYS - I sure picked up my Dad's sweat glands.
I'm not saying I loved to work on the weekends, lets face it we all had it pretty easy as kids with Mom only really giving us chores on Saturday and helping to clean up Sunday dinners on occasion, but now the memories stand out as good ones for me. I can also go on and on about my Mom, but I will save her for another day.
I am glad my Dad's strong work ethic was so visible to me growing up. I believe it became a part of my character and that of my siblings, through his example. Thanks Dad.
I Am Grateful,
P.S. In case you are curious...I discovered a clog of gum wrappers in the tube that runs from the rollers to the canister...The vacuum is not perfect, but at least it is picking up string again.
I am sorry to say the last few weeks and off and on over the last few months it seems the Purple Vac is losing suction...I run over a piece of string 4 times and it still isn't picking it up. I decided to investigate the thing instead of just emptying out the canister to see if I could discover a way to fix it.
Sitting on the floor with the purple disappointment upended and sitting in my lap, scissors cutting through thick hair and string that had got caught around the roller over time, I was reminded of my Dad. I don't know how many times I sat by him on the floor when he emptied the bag of dust and grime that had accumulated inside onto newspaper in the family room. I think the bag was permanent so you couldn't just take the bag out and insert a new one. I remember when we had to go through the grime because a suspected treasure had been sucked up and I remember my Dad taking that thing apart to de-clog it and how he would sit with the vacuum in his lap cutting the hair and grime out of the way. This was the first thing I tried and the reason I knew what to do is because, as a kid, I watched my Dad.
I think I learned a strong work ethic from Dad. I think he must have traveled two weeks out of every month and when he was home he seemed to constantly be working on projects. We would weed with him on the weekends, he would let us help him work on the house hanging sheet rock (he'd let us snap that blue chalk line maker - our favorite part), we would watch him build our forts, the playhouse and swing set, the dog kennels and other animal shelters and we would watch him painstakingly stain the redwood house every 5 years using scaffolding all around the tall walls. And BOY would Dad sweat hard. I remember it would drip off his nose and he ALWAYS had a hankie in his pocket or tied around his face, ALWAYS - I sure picked up my Dad's sweat glands.
I'm not saying I loved to work on the weekends, lets face it we all had it pretty easy as kids with Mom only really giving us chores on Saturday and helping to clean up Sunday dinners on occasion, but now the memories stand out as good ones for me. I can also go on and on about my Mom, but I will save her for another day.
I am glad my Dad's strong work ethic was so visible to me growing up. I believe it became a part of my character and that of my siblings, through his example. Thanks Dad.
I Am Grateful,
P.S. In case you are curious...I discovered a clog of gum wrappers in the tube that runs from the rollers to the canister...The vacuum is not perfect, but at least it is picking up string again.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Day #8 - Teachers
Today I am grateful for the teachers in my life. There are so many...
My career is in Real Estate. I work in the Relocation industry and help people sell and buy homes when they are asked by their employer to move to another state. It is very rewarding in many ways and I really do love my job.
One of the reasons I am qualified to do the job I do is that I earned my real estate license over 10 years ago. I am required to get 18 hours of Continuing Education credits every two years to keep my license active. Unfortunately, I tend to procrastinate until the eleventh hour to get these requirements met, so this month I have to attend many classes.
So far I have attended 9 hours of classes in the last week. One class was about Ethics in Real Estate. I was so impressed with the instructors LOVE of Ethics that I left the class wanting to be a better person. He was so passionate about his subject and made me feel that it was not only my DUTY to be an ethical Realtor, but my RIGHT and my PRIVILEGE to assist both my clients and other Realtors to be Ethical in every transaction I participate in.
I like to think of myself as a natural student. I am a sponge that takes in information and then I keep what works for me and leave behind what doesn't. The one thing that is constant in my life of learning is the teacher. If the teacher is prepared, knowledgeable and passionate about their subject, I will give a lot of thought to the message before I decide to accept or reject it.
It is so obvious to a student, whether school, church, work, etc. when the teacher is prepared and knowledgeable about a subject. When I attend a church meeting I can tell (or fancy I can tell) whether the individual spent time on a talk/lesson and when I am at the office, it is obvious if a meeting was thoughtfully prepared or quickly thrown together.
The teachers in my life always seem to manifest similar attributes...they all enjoy/appreciate their subject matter, they exhibit an extensive knowledge of the subject being taught and they care if the student is receiving their message. If my teacher is super enthusiastic about his/her message - it translates to the lesson and helps me to understand their point of view.
There are many teachers in my life. Literal teachers at school, teachers in religious/spiritual matters, friends that teach me in everyday life, close family members that teach me many life lessons both good and bad, my clients and co-workers are teachers and I am also my own teacher. Every day contains a lesson, whether it be good or bad, that we choose to learn from.
Thank you to the MANY teachers in my life!
I Am Grateful,
My career is in Real Estate. I work in the Relocation industry and help people sell and buy homes when they are asked by their employer to move to another state. It is very rewarding in many ways and I really do love my job.
One of the reasons I am qualified to do the job I do is that I earned my real estate license over 10 years ago. I am required to get 18 hours of Continuing Education credits every two years to keep my license active. Unfortunately, I tend to procrastinate until the eleventh hour to get these requirements met, so this month I have to attend many classes.
So far I have attended 9 hours of classes in the last week. One class was about Ethics in Real Estate. I was so impressed with the instructors LOVE of Ethics that I left the class wanting to be a better person. He was so passionate about his subject and made me feel that it was not only my DUTY to be an ethical Realtor, but my RIGHT and my PRIVILEGE to assist both my clients and other Realtors to be Ethical in every transaction I participate in.
I like to think of myself as a natural student. I am a sponge that takes in information and then I keep what works for me and leave behind what doesn't. The one thing that is constant in my life of learning is the teacher. If the teacher is prepared, knowledgeable and passionate about their subject, I will give a lot of thought to the message before I decide to accept or reject it.
It is so obvious to a student, whether school, church, work, etc. when the teacher is prepared and knowledgeable about a subject. When I attend a church meeting I can tell (or fancy I can tell) whether the individual spent time on a talk/lesson and when I am at the office, it is obvious if a meeting was thoughtfully prepared or quickly thrown together.
The teachers in my life always seem to manifest similar attributes...they all enjoy/appreciate their subject matter, they exhibit an extensive knowledge of the subject being taught and they care if the student is receiving their message. If my teacher is super enthusiastic about his/her message - it translates to the lesson and helps me to understand their point of view.
There are many teachers in my life. Literal teachers at school, teachers in religious/spiritual matters, friends that teach me in everyday life, close family members that teach me many life lessons both good and bad, my clients and co-workers are teachers and I am also my own teacher. Every day contains a lesson, whether it be good or bad, that we choose to learn from.
Thank you to the MANY teachers in my life!
I Am Grateful,
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day #7 - Anticipation
No play on words in today's title. I really am grateful for Anticipation...
We are preparing to go on a trip on October 14th to visit Minnesota. Matt, one of our best friends and one of the best people I have had the pleasure to know, is from MN. Matt is a Vikings fan and we are going back there to watch a professional football game with him and his girlfriend Kim.
The VERY best person I know, my husband Travis of course, is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, who will also be visiting the fair City of Minneapolis at the same time. That's right...Cowboys vs. Vikings...should be a good game.
Our friend is also moving to Boston for good at the end of September. He has been traveling back and forth for a few months, so it has not seemed real to us. Now the time grows closer and the move is inevitable. We will really miss him and his girlfriend. As much as I want to, and in fact do, believe we will remain close, we all know things change because they have to. Nothing really stays the same and it is not supposed else are we to learn and grow if we aren't forced out of our comfort zones once in a while?
So, it is with bitter sweet feelings that I anticipate the fun packed weekend in October. We will be staying by the Mall of America (Kim swears it is AMAZING) and will ride the train in and out of the City. We will visit Matt's brother, whom we have met on his visits here and whom we also adore, meet his brother's family and hang out with his hometown friends...OH..AND watch the big game. We get to look forward to this event for a whole month.
Anticipation is ALL around us ALL the time. Just yesterday I was anticipating the weekend. Heck, sometimes I anticipate retirement :) I anticipate weekend visits to the library. I anticipate seeing wildlife in my yard. I anticipate finishing my chores on Saturday and sinking into a hot bath knowing my house smells and looks clean and then spending the evening with my husband and our good friends while we still can. And I know tomorrow I can anticipate seeing a comment from my sisters on my blog (hint) and know that I get to learn a little bit more about them as well.
I Am Grateful,
We are preparing to go on a trip on October 14th to visit Minnesota. Matt, one of our best friends and one of the best people I have had the pleasure to know, is from MN. Matt is a Vikings fan and we are going back there to watch a professional football game with him and his girlfriend Kim.
The VERY best person I know, my husband Travis of course, is a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, who will also be visiting the fair City of Minneapolis at the same time. That's right...Cowboys vs. Vikings...should be a good game.
Our friend is also moving to Boston for good at the end of September. He has been traveling back and forth for a few months, so it has not seemed real to us. Now the time grows closer and the move is inevitable. We will really miss him and his girlfriend. As much as I want to, and in fact do, believe we will remain close, we all know things change because they have to. Nothing really stays the same and it is not supposed else are we to learn and grow if we aren't forced out of our comfort zones once in a while?
So, it is with bitter sweet feelings that I anticipate the fun packed weekend in October. We will be staying by the Mall of America (Kim swears it is AMAZING) and will ride the train in and out of the City. We will visit Matt's brother, whom we have met on his visits here and whom we also adore, meet his brother's family and hang out with his hometown friends...OH..AND watch the big game. We get to look forward to this event for a whole month.
Anticipation is ALL around us ALL the time. Just yesterday I was anticipating the weekend. Heck, sometimes I anticipate retirement :) I anticipate weekend visits to the library. I anticipate seeing wildlife in my yard. I anticipate finishing my chores on Saturday and sinking into a hot bath knowing my house smells and looks clean and then spending the evening with my husband and our good friends while we still can. And I know tomorrow I can anticipate seeing a comment from my sisters on my blog (hint) and know that I get to learn a little bit more about them as well.
I Am Grateful,
We will miss you Matt and Kim
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day #6 - Stickler
For a while this summer I was walking my dog every morning. I am not in the best shape so walking up a few steep hills really tends to take it out of me, but after 3 weeks of walking nearly every morning it got pretty comfortable and our routine got longer and quicker as tends to happen when one applies oneself.
One morning there was an attempted humping incident from a rogue dog, a bad judgement call in reaction to said incident and Spazz (Bart NOT me) took off at a full throttle run to home base where I found him, with said scoundrel still gyrating nearby, limping pathetically around the drive-way having hurt his leg during the mad dash home. Since that time I have not been as motivated to go out walking without my trusty companion to protect me from vagabonds (snort!) - Really just an excuse to sleep in an extra 40 minutes every day.
Bart is now in rehab and we went for a short walk this morning that involved a flat stretch. He gets SOOO excited to go on a walk and he is incredibly grateful for the small favor. The person who takes him out on a given day will have his sole devotion for the duration - he follows you from room to room and hops up to set his head in your lap and gaze at you adoringly for as long as you are willing to allow it. Sweet old puppy - I could take a few lessons in gratitude from him.
AH - I digress...I haven't even started the main story yet...
Today, we came walking down the small hill to home and as I came up to my drive way I stopped and stared at the...Raccoon?...Nooooo...PORCUPINE! HA - the FIRST Porcupine I have ever seen in real life (as opposed to TV and the Zoo). He was SO CUTE!! The poor fellow was just minding his own business, ambling along and here we come and surprise him.
Bart was THRILLED and REALLY wanted to go play with him. Porky and I just looked at each other with big eyes and then he slowly did a 20 point turn about, which I am sure is as fast as he could manage, and headed the other direction.
In my mind, I KNOW he wished he was a cartoon porcupine and could jump up a foot and do a startled half turn and run away, feet spinning in the air leaving behind a smoke bubble. But honestly, he was so funny! He just waddled away as fast as he could, which was just fast enough for me NOT to have time to grab my camera and take his picture. I have GOT to start carrying that thing around with me when I am outside in my neighborhood.
That is the blessing and the never know what you might run into up here, but it is always amazing, sometimes nerve racking and blasted difficult to capture on film.
I Am Grateful,
I didn't realize there were so many different kinds of porcupine - this is what mine looked like, but I took this picture off the Internet...
One morning there was an attempted humping incident from a rogue dog, a bad judgement call in reaction to said incident and Spazz (Bart NOT me) took off at a full throttle run to home base where I found him, with said scoundrel still gyrating nearby, limping pathetically around the drive-way having hurt his leg during the mad dash home. Since that time I have not been as motivated to go out walking without my trusty companion to protect me from vagabonds (snort!) - Really just an excuse to sleep in an extra 40 minutes every day.
BART: Mixed Something and/or Other - 14 years old
Bart is now in rehab and we went for a short walk this morning that involved a flat stretch. He gets SOOO excited to go on a walk and he is incredibly grateful for the small favor. The person who takes him out on a given day will have his sole devotion for the duration - he follows you from room to room and hops up to set his head in your lap and gaze at you adoringly for as long as you are willing to allow it. Sweet old puppy - I could take a few lessons in gratitude from him.
AH - I digress...I haven't even started the main story yet...
Today, we came walking down the small hill to home and as I came up to my drive way I stopped and stared at the...Raccoon?...Nooooo...PORCUPINE! HA - the FIRST Porcupine I have ever seen in real life (as opposed to TV and the Zoo). He was SO CUTE!! The poor fellow was just minding his own business, ambling along and here we come and surprise him.
Bart was THRILLED and REALLY wanted to go play with him. Porky and I just looked at each other with big eyes and then he slowly did a 20 point turn about, which I am sure is as fast as he could manage, and headed the other direction.
In my mind, I KNOW he wished he was a cartoon porcupine and could jump up a foot and do a startled half turn and run away, feet spinning in the air leaving behind a smoke bubble. But honestly, he was so funny! He just waddled away as fast as he could, which was just fast enough for me NOT to have time to grab my camera and take his picture. I have GOT to start carrying that thing around with me when I am outside in my neighborhood.
That is the blessing and the never know what you might run into up here, but it is always amazing, sometimes nerve racking and blasted difficult to capture on film.
I Am Grateful,
I didn't realize there were so many different kinds of porcupine - this is what mine looked like, but I took this picture off the Internet...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day #5 - An Apple A Day...
I have MANY things to be grateful for today, but I am sticking with the first thing I thought of and can't get out of my mind...that Crisp Red Delicious Apple I ate for breakfast. I often have an apple for breakfast these days, accompanied by a string cheese (for protein of course).
For some reason I have not been able to find a bad apple since I started this apple tradition. Costco sells them by the humongous bag full and they last forever in the fridge, nothing else fits in the fruit drawer with them, but who's missing strawberries :) ?
Red Delicious Apples are best when they are cold and crunchy crisp with enough juice to run down your chin and mess up your shirt for the day if you don't eat it just right.
Plus, it is easy and fast:
1) pull firm red apple out of fridge, 2) rinse off in sink (don't forget to remove sticker and place somewhere sure to drive husband a tiny bit crazy), 3) cut around core into four slices, 4) place slices into plastic sandwich bag, 5) throw baggie into purse, 6) head out door, 7) eat at leisure on the way to work, 8) Be careful of the juice...that easy - breakfast is served.
I think my point is, even the simplest things are worth at least a little thought. One of my friends once sent a card that contains, for me, the spirit of taking pleasure in simple things. I keep it at my desk and look at it every day - it reminds me of the things and people I love most. It also reminds me to chill out, don't sweat the small stuff, laugh and smile a little more today.
For some reason I have not been able to find a bad apple since I started this apple tradition. Costco sells them by the humongous bag full and they last forever in the fridge, nothing else fits in the fruit drawer with them, but who's missing strawberries :) ?
Red Delicious Apples are best when they are cold and crunchy crisp with enough juice to run down your chin and mess up your shirt for the day if you don't eat it just right.
Plus, it is easy and fast:
1) pull firm red apple out of fridge, 2) rinse off in sink (don't forget to remove sticker and place somewhere sure to drive husband a tiny bit crazy), 3) cut around core into four slices, 4) place slices into plastic sandwich bag, 5) throw baggie into purse, 6) head out door, 7) eat at leisure on the way to work, 8) Be careful of the juice...that easy - breakfast is served.
I think my point is, even the simplest things are worth at least a little thought. One of my friends once sent a card that contains, for me, the spirit of taking pleasure in simple things. I keep it at my desk and look at it every day - it reminds me of the things and people I love most. It also reminds me to chill out, don't sweat the small stuff, laugh and smile a little more today.
This little guy is laughing hard at something - his WHOLE body is expressing his joy...I like to think it is one of his parents taking the picture and making goofy baby noises at him to make him giggle, or the grass is tickling his little bare feet, or maybe he is just excited thinking about pushing around that ugly old rusty wheel barrel...who knows, but whatever it is, it can't be MUCH better than that apple I had for breakfast.
I Am Grateful,
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day #4 - Leaf it Be
Today I realized why it is hard to be grateful all the time. It is the same with being kind, or loving or even reasonable all the is all about being MINDFUL. Since I enjoy words so much I will share the actual definition of mindful: taking heed or care; being conscious. Some synonyms are: aware, alert, attentive, alive, heedful, careful, conscientious, watchful, vigilant. Such a simple word with so much higher meaning.
Today at almost precisely 5 o'clock I realized I hadn't yet taken note of any significant item to be grateful for. I sat and pondered a bit and still couldn't come up with anything that was meaningful to me. On the drive home I decided to be mindful of my surroundings and realized how much I value my drive to and from work. It is time by myself, space I use to think in or listen to a book on CD or music. I very rarely take or make calls - when I do it usually ends up with me cussing at other drivers while the poor recipient on the other end has to put up with my inattentiveness, but sometimes I do use the time to call a family member or friend if I have been thinking about that person and then letting life get in the way of my planned call.
Today at almost precisely 5 o'clock I realized I hadn't yet taken note of any significant item to be grateful for. I sat and pondered a bit and still couldn't come up with anything that was meaningful to me. On the drive home I decided to be mindful of my surroundings and realized how much I value my drive to and from work. It is time by myself, space I use to think in or listen to a book on CD or music. I very rarely take or make calls - when I do it usually ends up with me cussing at other drivers while the poor recipient on the other end has to put up with my inattentiveness, but sometimes I do use the time to call a family member or friend if I have been thinking about that person and then letting life get in the way of my planned call.
Driving home today I noticed the leaves have already started to turn. I think it is a bit early this year, but soon the drive up Parleys Canyon will be filled with yellow, green, pink, orange and red. It is a beautiful time of year up here. I tried to snap a photo on the drive home, but going 70 MPH didn't quite capture the moment; regardless, it is wonderful to be able to see the amazing Utah Mountains close up everyday on the drive home.
I Am Grateful,
P.S. Then I got on my blog and I have a follower AND comments...SWEET!! Thanks M.
P.S. Then I got on my blog and I have a follower AND comments...SWEET!! Thanks M.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day #3 - Silly Songs
Today I am grateful for those ridiculous games my Mother-in-law always makes us play at family functions. As background I should mention that M-I-L is a retired 2nd grade teacher. There have been times over the years when I have FELT like a 2nd grader in her presence.
I have to admit, when she asked me to be in charge of one of the games we would be playing today I was not too thrilled. Of course I would do anything to make her happy because I love her and admire her in MANY ways, so I do what she wants most of the time.
She had this idea to play "Minute-To-Win-It" in teams. This idea is based on a new game show that I have only seen a total of 5 seconds of, but basically you take normal everyday items and come up with a challenge and the challengee gets 1 minute to complete the task.
There were enough of us there tonight to split into 3 teams. My team consisted of my husband Travis, and two of his nieces, Beth (11ish?) and Natalie (4ish?). These are two of the cutest girls I have ever met. Funny, outgoing, daring (with 3 brothers to challenge them & make them tough) and just cute in general. My little girls came up with a team name "DYNAMITE" and we would blow-up the fist bumps and create cheers for our teammates who were competing in the challenges.
The games consisted of things like stacking and unstacking cups, sorting M&M's into colors with one hand, bouncing pencils into cups, and using your face to move a cookie from forehead to mouth without hands and without dropping the cookie. Travis rocked his challenge and secured the over all win for the Dynamites with his masterful pencil bouncing skills.
It appears I underestimated the fun factor of elementary style gaming. There was lots of yelling, tons of laughing, some heckling and I found out I still have the heart of a 2nd grader when it counts. Thanks Ma Barker...
I Am Grateful,
I have to admit, when she asked me to be in charge of one of the games we would be playing today I was not too thrilled. Of course I would do anything to make her happy because I love her and admire her in MANY ways, so I do what she wants most of the time.
She had this idea to play "Minute-To-Win-It" in teams. This idea is based on a new game show that I have only seen a total of 5 seconds of, but basically you take normal everyday items and come up with a challenge and the challengee gets 1 minute to complete the task.
There were enough of us there tonight to split into 3 teams. My team consisted of my husband Travis, and two of his nieces, Beth (11ish?) and Natalie (4ish?). These are two of the cutest girls I have ever met. Funny, outgoing, daring (with 3 brothers to challenge them & make them tough) and just cute in general. My little girls came up with a team name "DYNAMITE" and we would blow-up the fist bumps and create cheers for our teammates who were competing in the challenges.
The games consisted of things like stacking and unstacking cups, sorting M&M's into colors with one hand, bouncing pencils into cups, and using your face to move a cookie from forehead to mouth without hands and without dropping the cookie. Travis rocked his challenge and secured the over all win for the Dynamites with his masterful pencil bouncing skills.
It appears I underestimated the fun factor of elementary style gaming. There was lots of yelling, tons of laughing, some heckling and I found out I still have the heart of a 2nd grader when it counts. Thanks Ma Barker...
I Am Grateful,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day #2 - Experts Rule!!
Today I am grateful for HomeDepot Experts...or department store experts. I learned that when staining a deck, if you use water based paint, it is necesary to scrape, sand, etc. before you can stain...if you use oil based paint you can just cover over after a good cleaning...why would I ever use water based stain again when it is so much easier to use oil based stain?
One year ago I purchased a home with 5 decks that requires maintenance...this might sound like a HUGE house, but really it is just a standard size home with lots of decks. I have spent most of today and will spend most of tomorrow on just the dinner deck (the biggest) to get it ready for the long winter. From the experts at Home Depot, I also learned the power sprayer I bought at Lowe's will not work with the hose...I need a connector machine...sigh. Now I know.
I should have asked before I spent $50 on the sprayer at Lowe's and instead purchased the machine I bought today for $90...the guys at Home Depot said..." you have an extra sprayer..." This is the bright side...
It is important to consult the experts when starting a new project - I am an expert at my job and should also rely on those in all other fields to share their expertise with me to accomplish my tasks in the most cost effective and efficient manner. They spent lots of time with me to make sure I got all the information I needed to feel good about the projects I have to finish before winter. I was VERY grateful for their time and knowledge...
I Am Grateful,
One year ago I purchased a home with 5 decks that requires maintenance...this might sound like a HUGE house, but really it is just a standard size home with lots of decks. I have spent most of today and will spend most of tomorrow on just the dinner deck (the biggest) to get it ready for the long winter. From the experts at Home Depot, I also learned the power sprayer I bought at Lowe's will not work with the hose...I need a connector machine...sigh. Now I know.
I should have asked before I spent $50 on the sprayer at Lowe's and instead purchased the machine I bought today for $90...the guys at Home Depot said..." you have an extra sprayer..." This is the bright side...
It is important to consult the experts when starting a new project - I am an expert at my job and should also rely on those in all other fields to share their expertise with me to accomplish my tasks in the most cost effective and efficient manner. They spent lots of time with me to make sure I got all the information I needed to feel good about the projects I have to finish before winter. I was VERY grateful for their time and knowledge...
I Am Grateful,
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day #1 - It' My First Time...
...Blogging, that is...My sister, Melissa, inspired me to release my insecurities and give it a go. I have really enjoyed following her blog and am fast becoming a multi-blog reader. Who knew so many people had so much to say? There is something about writing words down that is both personal and permanent, especially in a public forum, and it feels both empowering and intimidating.
The impetus behind this blogging effort stems first and foremost from a personal experience with depression and the ways I have learned to overcome the darker feelings that tend to creep up on me over time when I forget to pay attention. There was a time when I took an anti-depressant, but I wasn't satisfied this was the entire answer for me and I began to search for other solutions as well. I want to be clear I believe there is a place for anti-depressants and I believe I truly did benefit from them; I have just found an additional way to handle depression that seems to work for me...the answer is simple... "Count your blessings".
When I recognize all the good in my life, my mood automatically lightens and when one begins to count all the blessings in ones life, life becomes abundant. It is easy to be depressed when I count all the ways the world lets me down, has misused me or simply doesn't notice me at all.
Off and on over the years I kept journals; as I read back over some of my journal entry’s they almost always outlined all the bad things going on in my life. I know it is important to vent, but surely there were good things happening during those times as well.
My goal here is to recognize the unique blessing within each day. I am always grateful for things that seem obvious to me, although I do recognize them as blessings specific to my life, such as my wonderful supportive husband, my loving family, friends, my job, my pets, my home, etc. When I say my prayers these are the blessings I continue to thank God becomes redundant, although I am always sincere. So here, on this blog, I want to remember to write down, for the permanent record, the unrecognized blessings in my life.
For today...I recognize words. I love to read, I enjoy the challenge of putting sentences together and I LOVE NEW WORDS. One of the worst books I read (I think it must be the worst because I don't remember the name) had more than 50 words that I pulled from the pages to look up when I was done with it. There were a few times I couldn't even flip the page without reading it 3 times because I was focused more on looking for the words I didn't know then reading the meaning behind the paragraphs. I think this blessing is one all bloggers share. The experience of putting feelings and experiences down for others to relate to, is both a blessing to the blogger AND the reader.
I Am Grateful,
The impetus behind this blogging effort stems first and foremost from a personal experience with depression and the ways I have learned to overcome the darker feelings that tend to creep up on me over time when I forget to pay attention. There was a time when I took an anti-depressant, but I wasn't satisfied this was the entire answer for me and I began to search for other solutions as well. I want to be clear I believe there is a place for anti-depressants and I believe I truly did benefit from them; I have just found an additional way to handle depression that seems to work for me...the answer is simple... "Count your blessings".
When I recognize all the good in my life, my mood automatically lightens and when one begins to count all the blessings in ones life, life becomes abundant. It is easy to be depressed when I count all the ways the world lets me down, has misused me or simply doesn't notice me at all.
Off and on over the years I kept journals; as I read back over some of my journal entry’s they almost always outlined all the bad things going on in my life. I know it is important to vent, but surely there were good things happening during those times as well.
My goal here is to recognize the unique blessing within each day. I am always grateful for things that seem obvious to me, although I do recognize them as blessings specific to my life, such as my wonderful supportive husband, my loving family, friends, my job, my pets, my home, etc. When I say my prayers these are the blessings I continue to thank God becomes redundant, although I am always sincere. So here, on this blog, I want to remember to write down, for the permanent record, the unrecognized blessings in my life.
For today...I recognize words. I love to read, I enjoy the challenge of putting sentences together and I LOVE NEW WORDS. One of the worst books I read (I think it must be the worst because I don't remember the name) had more than 50 words that I pulled from the pages to look up when I was done with it. There were a few times I couldn't even flip the page without reading it 3 times because I was focused more on looking for the words I didn't know then reading the meaning behind the paragraphs. I think this blessing is one all bloggers share. The experience of putting feelings and experiences down for others to relate to, is both a blessing to the blogger AND the reader.
I Am Grateful,
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