Monday, July 2, 2012

Day #33 - If Wishes were Fishes

I am going to wax philosophical for a minute...the other day at work my boss was teaching a class on leadership; he asked the question, "When I am under pressure what comes out of me?" I have actually always performed pretty well under pressure and struggle more with the down time than anything else so I felt ok going into the discussion around that question, but then he started talking about some key points of leadership:

1) Leaders have a clear vision
* OK - I need to DEFINE my vision of life and work. I have realized recently that I have lots of goals, but I am lacking a real clear overall vision of what I want to accomplish or how I want my life to look. I haven't really thought that thru for a long time.

2) Leaders have confidence (i.e. clear purpose/serve others/etc.)
* There is that clarity of purpose again...I can't say I have total confidence very often...there are moments, but it is not a consistent feeling for me.

3) Leaders take ACTION
* Ahhhhh, there is the kicker. ACTION, ACTION, ACTION...

This 3rd one was where a lot of time was spent and a lot of information resonated with me, such as:

Most people live their lives wishing for good things to manifest or spending their days immersed under intentions ( that me?). People do not take action in most part because of fear...Fear of not being loved (this one is not my fear - I over assume people will love me and am always surprised when they don't); or Fear of not being enough ( this a sister to not being loved? perhaps) i.e. fear of failure or rejection. The 2nd reason for fear is all mine and is akin to love now that I write it down.

So...I need to define my clear purpose and will be working on that this week. Today he asked again, "When was the last time you got connected with the things that drive your life?" Good question...It sounds like I have some work to do.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominant aspirations." James R. Allen


  1. Hmmmmm.....there go your bosses again, getting you to think hard and deep thoughts. Love it. I have given myself a Choffy challenge for this month. Just sell one bag a day. That is it. One per day. I am two days far so good. I am thinking maybe it is only fair to have Sundays know what I mean? A little rest time, a re-grouping if you will. Seems so easy, yet so hard. I think the point of my challenge, as well as yours, is to be present in your goals. Work or take some action every single day. That is how we produce and see results. Consistent effort.

    Sometimes all we need is 20 seconds of outrageous courage. Embarrassing, brave courage. Heard that in a movie, and I thought, I can do that. Every day I can muster 20 seconds of crazy brave courage for what ever I need it for. Every day I can come up with that.

  2. I like the "20 seconds of outrageious courage"...not a bad idea. How is your challenge going? I know you can do it!!
