Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day #37 - What Schedule?

I will tell you is hard to break old habits. The last several days have not gone exactly according to my new brilliant plan. I have decided there are not enough hours in the day. I would prefer 36 hours to each day...12 hours work/chores, etc., 12 hours fun/reading/writing, 12 hours for sleep. If I ever get to create a world this is how I will set things up. I think I will also lay off the heat waves....ugh; nothin' like a neck sticky with sweat. I don't know why temperatures need to get higher than 85/90. I'm sure there is some reason for the rule, but it probably has to do with some life form - I think I would just do away with said life form instead.  

Anyway, schedules are tough. I'm also trying to stop drinking too much caffeine...not going so hot and I keep nodding off as I write this. I am doing better with my time at the office, which is stellar, but my time here at home MUST be better spent.


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Sleep is Good. Go Worship" Jim Butcher


  1. Adding hours, losing life forms! Your ambitious!
    I think in all my selfish priorities I just wish I did not require sleep. Then maybe I'd be more fully present in my waking life as a wife and mother instead of constantly trying to check out and sneak in some time for crafting or personal fitness (oh wait, that ones not been the issue so much lately!!)
    If I could garden by moon light wouldn't my yard finally get closer to meeting it's wonderful potential??
    The truth is, when I do plop down in my bed at the end of each long day... I REALLY LOVE IT!!
    Seriously though, I could be perfectly fine without ever seeing 100 degree heat again. Save it for Vegas, and Satelite Beach! This kind of heat is for vacation and that's where it should stay. Let heat loving life forms live there!?
    Love you Huggie, xoxo Aim

  2. You two are awesome. Hug, you need more Choffy that would = less caffeine, but still give you the much better theobromine.

    I agree, when I get in bed at night I feel so happy. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww......I made it back to you my dear friend.

    I just hate those days where I am befuddled and bumbling around and really not accomplishing much cuz I can't figure out where to start or what really needs my attention.


    We just had a fairly successful garage sale, so a few things are tore apart....can't. get. motivated. to. put. it. back. in. place. aw. just. ate. a. massive. heap. of. lasagna. I. am stuck. right. here. for. a while.....

    I would live on your world hug....sounds pretty AWESOME! What else could we expect?

  3. So Aim - you are saying you want to be a vampire from the Twilight Saga? I have to admit I thought that would be pretty cool - up all day, no sleep required. I know you guys both are saying you love to sleep and I guess I do too, but it would be cool if sleep was optional instead of necessary.

    Congrats on your yard sale M - sounds like it was a success. As for other things in my would have to be just like the "Pretties" minus the brain washing. JK.
