Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day #43 - Tree Down

We have 2 rather large aspen trees that died the first year we were here in Summit Park and there are other smaller trees around the yard we have been meaning to get rid of...FINALLY, Travis and my Dad got out the 'ol chain saw and took care of business.

There are actually 2 big tree stumps. Dad left one tall enough for me to put a bird house on top of the stump the other (on the left by the green hose) was cut to the ground and just looks like another rock.

It is amazing how much space was created by removing those two trees. It makes me realize we could really have a back yard if we cleared out the brush and bushes, trees and weeds. Maybe someday...all it takes is hard work and money.

Travis and Dad - my heroes. While they were hauling wood it started to POUR rain...Mom and I just sat on the covered deck while the rain poured down...Sometimes it is good to be a woman (not that I couldn't have helped out, but I was making dinner).

Now all I need to do is call the fire department to see about them coming and turning these branches into bark for us.

On another note...I am a pretty patient person when it comes to other peoples animals, mostly because my own are such crazies at times. BUT there is a dog out there tonight that has been barking steadily for over an hour now. I hope the owners are not home, because if they are, and their dog is making that kind of racket...I guess that would make them very inconsiderate neighbors.

ANYWAY, Thanks Travis and Dad for getting that dirty job done...glad it was you & not me...I love you both.


I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting.” Bernard Meltzer


  1. That is great. Take a pic of your bird house on your stump once you secure it. Very cute idea. I couldn't tell that was dad at first....till I enlarged the pics. Love having him over for projects. He is such a go getter. Unafraid to take on a task or project. It is reassuring and fun to have a motivated partner.

    Yes, being a woman definitely has its advantages. I would have enjoyed hanging with you and mom on the deck.

    For your neighbors reputation.....I do hope they were out. Very few things are more exasperating than barking dogs......long winded. Why do they never tire of barking? How do their throats not get raw? Why won't they just give up?

    I am going to write your quote in my book to remember. Another good one sis.

  2. I LOVE DAD!!!
    I'm so grateful for his amazing, generous, work ethic! I recently asked him- (after he'd just fixed some of our sprinklers, moved Chuck into his home, babysat Ker's dog and cared for her cats and garden while she worked in Vegas; not to mention the giant yard clean up -dog run installation mom and he had organized for Lance and I- only a month prior... And their ongoing weekly efforts serving at the temple, in addition to their other callings!! ). So, motioning to my sprinklers, I said, aside from this... (I know, doing service). What are your thoughts on service??

    His sweet response was stopped up, overcome with emotion, and he said "the way I see it is all we have is time, and that time is very precious, but you could give of yourself- every minute of every day, and you would yet remain an unprofitable servant... (again, more tears). The more you give... God just gives you more, you can never get on top of it.
    I'm so grateful to be so close to a person like this!
    xoxo A

    P.S. dogs are a pain, no matter how you look at it! But a few of those lucky dang dog receive love inspite of themselves.

  3. Wow - I am going to use Dad's words as a Quote so we don't lose it in the comments. Sometimes Dad is just such a beautiful man isn't he? HB
