Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day #38 - Hair Ker

Circumstances recently aligned for an opportunity to have my sister, Keri, color my hair. My hair started going gray when I turned 20...these days I am blessed with my mother's white wings at my ears and salt and pepper throughout the rest of my hair...lots and lots of salt. I do not feel quite ready to give in to the mature older woman look, so I have been coloring my hair for many years.

Keri, Golden and Seerie came up to our house yesterday and Keri colored my did take a long time and did not have the same convenience of a salon, but we did get to spend several hours together getting caught up on each others lives. When I made my recent list of things I wanted to do to make my life more enjoyable I added "spend more quality time with my sisters". I think spending a few hours with Keri every 5 weeks is a good start.

How did it turn out? There is one spot that needs to be fixed, but I like how Keri just takes the bull by the horns and goes for it. I now have quite a bit of red in my hair. Every time I looked in the mirror today it felt like I was wearing a wig. Keri also darkened the bottom layers and overall base color, so my hair is much darker than it was 2 days ago. I was actually startled how heavy the color was once it was all on my head:

I don't have a "finished" photo yet...I'll just go take one real quick....Here it is...the lighting is kind of lame and this is my hair being wrapped in a bun for an afternoon after sweating to death while washing Sunday dinner dishes...aka "not the way I normally style it".

Sometimes it looks more brown and other times it is more red...anyway, we will see how it goes. It is always fun to try new things.

Now for the cutest photo I got of the day...

The first thing Seerie does when she comes to our house is to start asking about the Kitty, whom she calls "Boss". Her real name is Echo, but we started calling her "Little Boss" because she pretty much thinks she owns the joint, of course the name stuck. Luckily we were able to locate the cat first thing and several additional times throughout the afternoon. I am very pleased that Seerie seems to know how to touch animals - very softly. We loved having them here.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like."  ~Author Unknown


  1. Keri is the bomb! You'll get more compliments on your hair than you know what to do with. And that's coming from me who only styles my hair on Sundays and for an occasional date night (let's plan one with you guys-- so I can get some sister time, now that you mention it!!!). Keri is super passionate about what she does (is that a Dana thing? We all seem to fall in love with what we do, and do it well!). Before I had this agitating grey- I would try to get Keri to just add swatches of color here and there and leave my natural as a base color-- that just couldn't happen! She has to jazz up your life alittle more than that (usually with a touch more red than you were expecting- but you'll find red is magical and amazing all on its own because it fades to a brand new lovely shade of warm- people will ask if you just got your hair colored in your 6th week- happens to me Saturday! I'm just saying!).
    Also, I'm not trying to take up all your blog space- but feel like I should pass along that we tried to kill mom and dad yesterday!!!
    Mom calls after church (how was your talk about girls camp? Right- okay- it was good.). What are you guys doing? Oh.. Lance and I are thinking of taking the kids on a little hike so we can get Bingo out for a minute-- oh really? Dad and I were just thinking of taking a little hike- (? You hike?). Maybe we'll come down and go with you guys! Okay! (shock, surprise, and excitement! ). Sweet see you when you're home teachers leave!
    Lance and I then conversate about where to take them. (I promise death and fear were not our objective!). Let just say they can probably go as far as Elle- and nothing steep! How about btfl pond, no, too hot and sunny at this time of day. How bout that little one you and I did with Elle a while back? Yeah I carried her a lot of the time and there's very little ups and downs right! Some tree coverage- perfect!
    (post a comment? How bout a book)?
    So dad comes ready with three or four walking sticks, I grab some water. We're off - uuht oh- can they're little car make it? This is more four wheeling than I remember! I'm sure theyre fine. Ok yes!
    Hey look at the beauty! This is great huh guys?
    Let's walk!! Oh, look at the steep sandy sheer drop off! Geez sorry about that! Hey look! Another sandy minnie trail with nothing to grab on to but lots to fall into if you do slide down that mountain!! So sorry- how about using a walking stick mom? (she refuses dad tells me) (?what- why would she refuse that? ). The Minnie step shuffle is what works for her - no one touch! We carry on maybe a half mile it seems like, we get to a point where the trail meets a stream! (finally- I do not like feeling responsible for moms safety ). Haleluiah, the big kids go on with dad and lance a few minutes more, then time to head back-- while it is true there weren't any ups and downs to speak of there were probably seven or so spots (one way) where the trail thins and gets alittle slippery! Just let's get back home!

  2. Oh Man - Please tell me you got some photos? Did they have a good time at least or was Mom a bit tense? Way to go Sis...I'm sure it is more funny than traumatic; at least now that it is over. :)

    I love your comments. Thank you for taking the time. You are a good writer - I see a blog in your future.

    Love you. HB

    P.S. We will get together with the boys soon...I might even see you tomorrow - I will call you.

  3. Wow. I got more than I bargained for. It is 2:00 a.m., couldn't sleep, so I decided to get up and write, but wanted to check your blog first. Glad I did, got a 2fer......very funny, both stories. Very relatable, also both stories. I can attest and bear record that all that you have both said is true and accurate. ..... down to your diva quote.

    It reminded me of the time dad forced mom to join us when we went cliff diving last summer. HOLY COW. What an intense hike. Spiked with the terrifying inability to help mom in any way. Pissed off as she was to have been made to make the journey, by damn, she was going it alone. Please help us all......especially dad, cuz he's a dead man. But nope, all that worry and sweating, and double taking eye bulging for nothing. We all survived, and it seemed like mom maybe enjoyed herself once we got down to the edge of the cliff where she could get her mind on her kids and grand kids taking their life into their own hands every few minutes, as we pressured and cajoled each other to death until we got the next in line to jump.

    man. good times.

    Ker hair is good hair for sure. Surprising at times? yes. but as Aim said, you end up loving her creations, as do those around you.

    Your pic was no looked good for being up in a bun and all sweaty, etc. but no evidence of color came through for me. Give it another go my friend.

  4. Isn't it so great to hear from AMY? I love it!!
