Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day #369 - How did I get so lucky?

I recently celebrated my 38th Birthday. I will say my life hasn't exactly turned out how I thought it would, but I am OK that all my expectations have not been met out as I planned. What a strange world it would be if everything went exactly according to plan. One thing remains constant in my life, however, and that is my most amazing family.

As you may know, I wrote 10 things I love about my siblings this year as my Birthday tribute to them and my parents as well (with help from my brothers and sisters). This has been a fun thing for me to do and in every case very easy to complete. My sister Amy told me she was surprised that I kept going after about didn't surprise me, but NOW I know what she meant. Look at what my family did for me...

Each of my siblings and both my parents wrote lists of things they love about me and gave them to me for my Birthday. There were also some pictures drawn by my nieces and Avery especially was so happy to share those with me; to make sure I liked them.

Some of the funny highlights were my favorite parts. My Brother's sense of humor showed up in my Dad's letter...I found this interesting and touching as I see more and more of my Dad's influence on both my Brother's. It is like seeing my Mother's influence imprinted on my personality - I see more and more of my Mother in me as I get older. Reading my Mom's letter was a lot like reading a letter I might write about her - this pleases me a great deal. Road Rage came up in a few of the letters as one of my "endearing" qualities...Huh, I didn't realize I had it so bad...probably should work on that. There were also many great memories within the letters, some I may have forgotten, that I am happy to have on record. Road Rage aside, I sound like a pretty lovely person.

All of those pages are filled with so much love for me and it brings tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart to know how blessed I am to be surrounded by such wonderful people. HOW did I get SO LUCKY?? I hope they know how treasured these pages will be to me for the rest of my life; how much comfort they will give me on the days I do not feel good about myself or on days I feel lost or confused.

I Am SO Grateful,

Diva Quote: A poem today...

"Have you had a kindness shown?
Pass it on;
'Twas not given for thee alone,
Pass it on;
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
~Henry Burton, Pass It On



  1. Man! You are lucky! Look at that stack! I love your cat taking all of those love notes in. I feel badly that mine was so short from my memories. Like they say....what you sew, so shall you reap. So happy to be a part of celebrating who you are!! Believe us when we tell you ....You ARE a dang LOVELY PERSON!!! and then some.... WE are the lucky ones. Enjoy your M.

  2. I LOVE IT!!
    We are all fortunate to have one another. We are all connected and will be for Eternity. What a pleasing, happy thought!
    Love Aim

  3. Hey Aim - I love seeing you on here. THANKS SOOO much for your kind words...My cup overfloweth...HUG
