Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day #2 - Bored??

Yesterday I learned what I already suspected...I think I would be bored if I didn't have a job. Since I haven't been blessed with kids of my own, who are in and of themselves a full time job, I think it would drive me bonkers to not have a solid plan or responsibility to handle every day. I am sure I could come up with plenty to do, but I think I like having a job.

My start date got pushed back to May me, I am NOT complaining. Since I cleaned the house on Thursday I decided to take a break on Friday. I sat around and didn't really give myself any specific job or assignment to do. I worked out (sort of), I ate breakfast, I read, I listened to a book on tape while I cleaned up a few things, I took a bath and shaved my legs, I curled my hair, I did my make up, painted my fingernails a dark purple color and then laid on my bed waiting for my nails to dry ALMOST falling asleep until my phone went off w/a text message about my phone bill posting to my checking account, I got up and started wondering when Trav would get home, realized I was starving and began to consider making a lousy food choice when Trav called...schwew, close one.

Anyway, my point is...I don't know that I am motivated enough to be UBER productive on a daily basis and NOT being productive is...well, boring. As bored as I got, I couldn't seem to motivate myself to do anything about it either. Knowing this, I started to get negative in my head..."why can't you get going, why don't you want to do anything, why does nothing sound like a good idea, why won't these nails dry all the way so you can unbutton your pants and go to the bathroom...blah, blah, blah".

I hope to remember this day in the coming weeks when I begin to feel overwhelmed...being overwhelmed is NOT boring, it is a challenge - a way to filter out the important from the things that can wait, the immediate needs rise to the top of the projects and gives way to process improvements. I think I can handle that. I also think I will, once again, dream of the day I have NOTHING to do...somehow I always seem to want what I don't have, maybe this is the true lesson of the day.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.” ~Doris Lessing


  1. Cool back ground. I like this much better. Much better. I already said that. Nice day. I have these every so often, sometimes there is so much to do, but like you said, I have not gotten anything "urgent", and the rest is just too much to know where to start, so I end up squandering my time and waisting it on indecision. Lame. But oh well.....tomorrow is a new day, begin it well......and believe me, after a day like that, I do!

  2. Well you must have changed the background before I saw the first one since Melissa likes this one and didn't like the other one. This is the only one I saw and I still like it. :) I really liked your "definition" of overwhelmed. I may have to use it in a talk or a lesson one day. :) Don't worry I will quote you as the source. ;)
