Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day #4 - Spreading it Out

I'm back to making lists today. Because my new start date got moved back a week I feel like I have all the time in the world to get all my projects done. Well, time is certainly starting to move quickly. I finally sat down to put together a complete and detailed list of everything I want to get done before the middle of next week. It ended up not being as long as I thought it would be, but when I started to break it down into days and times I realized I ought to get focused.

One thing I am extremely excited about is the material I bought yesterday with my Mom and Sisters in tow. I am determined to make that big bedspread I talked about in an earlier post; big enough to cover both mattresses w/out using a bed skirt. I am going to be cutting squares Saturday and Sunday and Amy and Keri are coming up to help me start sewing on Monday. I'm nervous to do this on my own without Amy's guidance because it has been years since I touched a sewing machine and I am not sure I remember how to thread a bobbin or replace a needle...

I am actually looking forward to doing a craft project again. I used to do all sorts of crafty stuff. I used to cross stitch every spare second I had and made some beautiful pieces that I usually gave away. One thing about doing crafts is how much you appreciate a crafted gift from someone else - one person recognizing the efforts of another.

I don't think I will be getting super crafty again anytime soon, but I am hoping this bedspread project will feel like a big accomplishment when it is done and I certainly hope it looks as good as I picture it in my head.

It is pouring down rain right now with violent wind and lightening. I am thinking of the people driving in the Canyon and hope all is well. It is a good night to be snug at home.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "In doing we learn.”~ George Herbert

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine you will get ANYTHING done BUT your quilt. Those suckers are time consuming. I'm glad you have your trusty assistants....looking forward to seeing the finished project.

    Sounds like you are all set with your list now....time to tear it up and knock the projects out of the park.

    GOOD LUCK!!! Enjoy your last few days of completely self driven time off.
