Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Day #376 - The Last Days

Well...that's it.

My last day was a bit anti-climactic really. I did work until 7:15 p.m. trying to spend as much time with Carrie as possible. I feel bad I don't have a few more days with her, but in all honesty, I feel she will rearrange my systems into her own, she will change the forms as needed and sometimes the best way to do a job is just to jump in and figure it out along the way...I guess I did what I could. The next week I have off to get things figured out for my new job and to organize my personal life.

The first thing I plan to do tomorrow is clean out my car. I have been lugging stuff from my office to my car the last several days as I left each night. How the heck did I house so much junk in that little cubicle? There were tennis shoes (for those 4 walks I took during lunch over 15 years), Tupperware, canned food in my "food drawer" for emergency lunches, LOADS of packets of crystal light, alka seltzer, pepto bismal, protein bars, a dictionary, a calculator, files filled with jokes (for later use), old reviews, old business plans (from 2002), an old box filled with shred stuff that I put my feet on all day, like 6 canvas bags from various seminars, giant plastic cups for "water" (wink), thank you cards, zillions of pens, 7 kinds of lip gloss, 3 things of lotion, toothpaste, emergency floss and deodorant, old cough drops, tampons hidden behind pads of paper, rubber bands EVERYWHERE...on and on. I guess over 15 years it is understandable that I might accumulate lots of stuff at the place where I spend 1/2 my waking hours.

Once I go thru and most likely chuck most of that stuff, I will tackle my house...I plan to deep clean and organize. We will see.

THEN I am on to my yard. It is spring clean-up time and I have a list yards long in list language...we will also see.

THEN I plan to work on my NEW business plan...I've been thinking about it a lot and now I need to put it in writing.

THEN I plan to finish 2 books I am reading.

THEN I start my new job...one bite at a time Heather.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote:
"There’s a trick to the 'graceful exit.' It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, or a relationship is over — and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.” - Ellen Goodman

Well said Ellen...HB


  1. I still don't know who this Carrie is... Is she at your old number? This still makes me SO SAD!

    I expect your blog to now contain all the jokes you found while cleaning out your office.

  2. Oh man, this post, what a life change. YOU ARE ENTERING YOUR NEXT CHAPTER!! Your quote is just right. I don't know why I am sitting here with a lump in my throat. It is not my big life change. It is all yours, but I feel very connected to this happening also. I can picture it all as my own....the going through the desk, the memories, thinking back, chuckling to yourself, putting the items in boxes. The walking away. I guess it is so tangible because we have all experienced this in life. We move forward to our next chapter.....but we get to keep and look back on all that we already have.

    I love your weeks worth of plans to conquer.....that is a lot. But it is an invigorating list, and you can master it. Keep moving and plugging away and checking off. Move through each item and feel the satisfaction of another job well done. All that organizing and finalizing loose ends will assist in beginning anew with a clear mind and fresh start.

    I keep feeling like this is the perfect time to see your new blog theme change.....I only say this because you said you have some ideas in the works. I love your Gratitude theme and think it can stand the test of time and remain forever.

    A Quote to pass a long:

    "The BEST thing about the future is that it comes ONE day at a TIME." Abraham Lincoln

    Love, M

  3. Hey Chilly - Yes, Carrie has the same numbers as I did. She is really great. She has been with the company for 10 years and is very familiar with the kinds of transactions we did. I bet the next few weeks will be an adjustment for EVERYONE, but I bet by then, she will be rocking it!! I will miss talking to you. We will stay in touch.

  4. M - I just put up the new blog theme for you...let me know what you think of the new background...too much? Thank you for your comments - it is one of my favorite things about blogging and sometimes you make it so rewarding. Love you - HB

  5. Hi it's aim
    I love lists even your list of things found. But lists of things to do seem to some of us like me to give purpose to every waking moment. Sometimes I realize I need to give less power to my lists and just live loose and fancy free for a minute. Then I realize I've become sluggish and lazy and I know it's time to get serious about listing some goals again.
    Mom made a deep thought type of statement today... She said that eternity isn't something that happens in the future, it's right now!
    Today's footsteps are a part of the grand picture. I often fall in the trap of always looking forward. To the next check off point ( when can we get rid of that potty training chair that's been part of our bathroom decor for more than a year?).
    I feel sometimes I feel a scenes of uneasiness until I' m clear about xyz that I'm going to work on. But I see more and more that I'm tring to Rush through this life instead of take it in.
    Anyways that just turned into a bit of a rant..
    I am really glad I can be part of your things to start during your short time between jobs. You'll love having a quilt you made yourself!!
    Thanks for your insights as always.
    Love you
