Monday, April 16, 2012

Day #375 - Delays, Delays and Lovely Days

I have never been flight delayed before, of course I don't fly much either, but my plane home was delayed by 2 hours. Me, wanting to milk every minute with my friend Deb, scheduled a late flight home on Sunday night, which would get me in the door around 11:30 p.m. I began to doubt the wisdom of that decision about 1 week before I left, but wasn't sure what to do about it (I am not airplane savvy). At about 11 a.m. on Sunday morning I got a text explaining the planes delay - we wouldn't leave until the time I was supposed to be home...Oy...

I rolled in the door by about 1:30 a.m. - I considered blogging before bed, but...JK.

Here are a few favorite things about my trip:
  • Seeing Debi...Duh
  • The steak dinner Mike cooked us Friday night...I have had GREAT steaks before, but this one melted in my was sort of strange actually, but delicious.
  • Sleeping in - Debi is a late morning person like myself. The difference is she actually sleeps in until 10 o'clock on weekends. I actually got 8 hours of sleep 2 nights in a row and went to bed rather late.
  • Debi's snooze button. I could hear this loud news station turn on...then off...then on...then off...then on...what the heck? I asked how she can stand doing that and she said "I just love knowing I have a few more minutes". I realized I have my own snooze's name is Travis. He wakes up, leaves the fringe lights on (bathroom & hallway), opens the bedroom door, gets things going downstairs, turns on the TV...then I get up. To each his own...
  • Talking...and talking. We watched a movie called "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" while I was there. At one point in the movie the boy has a chance to tell his WHOLE story to a man who cannot talk...this is how I felt the first night back w/my best friend. Travis doesn't understand how I spent 3 full days in CO and just hung out the whole time...we did some stuff, but mostly just talked. Tonight, while giving the recap to Travis, he asked, "Well...what did you talk about"...I had to think for a moment..."Everything & Nothing" is the only correct answer to that question.
  • Back seat driving...MAN I have a problem. The difference in CO is Debi doesn't seem to mind as much as Travis does. When I told her the light was green (while looking left, right, behind, hands wildly gesticulating and tapping her shoulder) as she came to a complete stop in front of the intersection, she just said "Oh?" and sped up. Or when I asked "aren't you close enough?" just as her bumper scraped the sidewalk in her carefully chosen parking space she gently said "*%^#, my poor paint job" and backed up. Or parking the truck in the garage, while making me stand to the side of the exhaust AFTER the garage door was closed to back up enough to make sure a) the garage door would still clear the truck's bumper & b) there was enough space to still take a bag of garbage out to the dumpsters thru the garage door - OK that was just funny and she told me to not be a baby when I objected - I put on my big girl pants. I know it is hard to imagine, but I can think of at least two other good driving stories, but I will give her a small break. She is not a bad driver, she is not a good distracted driver, but she is a self admitted terrible parker...I love this about her. Plus, we have both hit a poll with our new cars - I am just proud I BACKED into mine...:)
  • I LAUGHED HARD - It is always "filling" to see Debi. She fills me up in so many ways...trying to put it into words is actually difficult - I guess she really hears me, she really listens, she reinforces me in ONLY positive ways, she can relate to me, she understands me, she has faith in me...I hope she gets the same things from our friendship.
  • The only thing she doesn't fill me with is food..."let's have blackberries for breakfast" "how about cottage cheese for lunch?" "let's do a skinny cow (ice cream sandwich) for dinner"...Just kidding, not that these are not 3 of her favorite meals and I did lose 5 pounds on this trip, but we LOVE to talk about dieting or eating healthy and working out even though she is totally skinny. I brought my work out clothes with me, but couldn't find my shoes so we went and got new tennis shoes. Mine are white with lime green decor. We did one of the weight watcher videos after Travis made fun of me for buying shoes in CO and not using them. I am feeling it in my shoulders and quads today. We spent a lot of time calculating the weight watcher points for lots of food and Deb made me the BEST stuffed peppers (low fat and delicious) for dinner Saturday night and I plan to make them for Trav later this week. I love this and always come home a bit more inspired & motivated.
This is turning into a long post, I can go on and on...I guess the bottom line is, I had a lovely time and, as Debi said to me when we hugged goodbye, "Thanks, I really needed that" did I. I love you Debi!!

I Am Grateful,
 Should really have taken a few photos while I was there...this is from
the last time we went for a visit...Oh well...

Diva Quote: "Debi, when you take Freda to Smooch the Pooch tomorrow, tell them you want the ferminator treatment, nails clipped, a complete shampoo and anal sacks clear" Mike Smith (Debi's husband)...If Deb ever reads this she will recognize it as the time we looked at Mike appalled, looked at each other confused and then snorted laughed until we cried when we simultaneously understood...Mike should enunciate better. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your relationship with Debi. So fun to hear about your trip and time together. The post didn't seem long at all to me. Love the snooze button stories.....something I cannot get into, but can appreciate others rituals and the love we have for the way WE do things. It is fun to have an individualized system that works. A good laugh off....what a treat!
