Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day #352 - Spelling Bee Minus

More like a See Minus...I took a spelling test in my online class and only got like 73%...terrible. I had decided to do one of the lessons online during lunch at my desk at work. I would like to think I began to get antzy because it was taking almost my full 30 minutes and I wasn't done with the exercise yet, but truly, it seems I rely WAY to heavily on spell check.

This free online library class is like a serious english refresher. I know I need it, but it does take dicipline and it is not as exciting as sitting down with a new book to read. English really is wonkie...Just when you think ya got all the plural forms figured out here comes all the exceptions to the "s" rules like, geese, phenomena & tableaux. I can't wait until we get to the "more" rules and I find out I may not be able to use "stupider" as a true word anymore.

Here is my favorite tip gleaned from my lesson as a great way to improve spelling - don't let spell check change the word for you - when a word is highlighted, retype the word in the correct way instead of replacing the word. My spell check is too fast and most of the time it doesn't give me the option, but now I retype it anyway for practice. I'm sure I'll get better with time.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Instructions for living a life...Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” - Mary Oliver

1 comment:

  1. Very spell check is dumber than I am....every time I click on a word to check for spelling options after it has notified me that it is wrong, they never have any options, so I have to copy the word, paste it in Google so they can say ..... did you mean.......? yes! That is what I meant. Lame huh? You are lucky to be getting smarter.....I guess it is not luck if you are working for it though is it?...
