Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day #348 - Happy Love Day

Not a very good effort this year. I hope I will be surprised when I go to my sister's blog to see if she got up to some fun for the big V-DAY.

This year Travis and I decided just to go to lunch. I was expecting him to call me after his Dentist appointment and he just showed up at my office with a box of heart shaped sugar cookies with "XO" on them. He was handing them out to his clients today and asked for an extra box to give to me (Trav works for XO Communications...clever, yes?). They are delicious and my co-workers got to enjoy the treat as well. I will take a picture tomorrow (if I remember) and post it.

It is interesting how much single people really do not like Valentines Day...not that I blame them, but one agent I work with calls it "Singles Awareness Day"...I kind of liked that, but it also sounds a bit lonely. To my single friends out there, I will remind you there is a little pressure on the married's as well. OK, not as much, but what about being in a relationship and NOT getting anything for Valentines Day either...? hmmmm...not so fabulous. At least as a single person you can manage your expectations on this commercial holiday.

Today I am grateful that Travis thought of me. I am glad he didn't just pick me up for lunch, but came personally up to my office to show me he cares. Thanks Babe - message received.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote:"In trying to get our own way, we should remember that kisses are sweeter than whine."  ~Author Unknown


  1. Nice. Our day was good as well. I gave each of the kids a little Valentine day surprise before they went off to school. Cauley got a hoola hoop, Lawson a book he has been wanting, Ryker and E both got favorite drinks and their own bag of their favorite candy.....love notes all around. Got K a portable Choffy mug, his fav cookies,etc. Not too crazy.....definitely a lovely day. I will never forget how all out mom used to go for V day. Those were super fun!

    1. People calling it "Singles Awareness Day" has always been SO weird to me. It just feels like looking for a reason to be sad. I don't understand people! (o:

      However, I am jealous of your cookies. There are few things more wonderful than a good sugar cookie!
