Friday, February 10, 2012

Day #346 - For Clarification...

I thought I would take a minute to clarify the car situation...for some reason everyone keeps asking me why I didn't get the new car..."why does Travis get the good car"...well, since you asked, let me tell you.

I have had 2 brand new cars in the last 5 years and Travis has been driving the same car for the last 10 years. My Boss said he thought it was wrong that Travis is driving the new car...I asked him if his Sporty Mustang broke down, would he really buy his wife a new car and start driving the mini van?? I think that is a strange concept.

The next item of weird is...why would I want to give Travis MY car? I like my car. I have one more year remaining on the 3 year lease. I have put WAY too many miles on it, so I will be buying it for real in October. I figure I will drive for another year or two and then I might try to sell it. I have decided I like having a new(er) car to drive. It feels safe and secure. At that time we will re-evaluate and then I might decide to transition to the "nicer" car - the brand new True Blue Subaru - OR I might decide to buy something different. I depends on how attached Travis is to the Outback AND what car we think we might want to get (I wouldn't want to drive a big truck around for instance, but we might want to get a truck) AND what our financial situation is at the time, etc.

I think this may clear up any confusion. I have been so blessed to have TWO wonderful cars in the recent years. I am SOOOO happy that Travis finally gets an upgrade.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead."  ~Mac McCleary

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww......yes, that was needed and it all makes sense. I think that sounds wonderful. Good plan, I want in on that driving a new car thing. Seems smart, safe and MUCH MORE EXCITING AND FUN!!

    Gosh, that quote could not be more accurate!
