Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day #345 - 2 Years & Countin'

Now...none of you Mom's out there are allowed to get offended when I say "what is the deal with hugely celebrating the babies B-Day?" It is a real question and not a sarcastic one. Today Seerie turned 2 years old and it reminded me when Jas and Mel had Josie and we got invited for all the Birthdays and Trav and I thought it was kind of weird back then...

I believe the only reason I think it is strange at all is because I don't have my own kids. I think I would REALLY want my family to celebrate my precious blessing with me as well. Almost everyone showed up for Seerie's party, even Chuck and Jason were there to usher in Seeries next year of life. Here are some of us...

It was actually sweet to watch Seerie soak up all the attention. We sang "Happy Birthday" a lot in all its very fabulous varieties, got caught up with each other and watched Seerie open lots of presents. I looked at Seerie tonight and thought about how much life she has ahead of her, how much she has already changed and grown over the last 2 far we all have come and how far we still have to go...

So far there have been 4 niece/nephew Birthdays this year...I've missed them all, except this one - maybe a party is not such a crazy idea after all.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” Shel Silverstein


  1. I have to say Heather, I agree with you about the parties. I don't really understand having big parties for the babies/toddlers because the don't care or understand it. I think it is fun to get the family together but the kids have more fun with the box than the present that came inside it. :)

  2. Yep, not down with the big parties either. My kids were shafted.....but that is the great part....they have no idea!! I do like having a little personal cake for the toddler and getting a few pics of them digging into their own b-day cake or something like that. It is just for the parents really.....and like you mentioned, it is always nice getting everyone together. Seerie looks so cute, I wanted to say pretty, but that seems too grown up, even for a big two year old.

    Great Quote!

  3. Um, I agree. Of course birthdays are special, but I'm going to wait until they are like 5 to fuss over a party for them. They're not going to remember anything before that! Some of my friends have these extravagant birthdays for their 1 year old and spend a ton of money. No way, Jose, that won't be me!
