Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day #21 - It all comes down to...

Gratitude...I know I spent a year on it, but it keeps coming back in many forms. My sister Melissa blogged about a book called "the Magic" is all about Gratitude and gives 28 days of instruction on how to make gratitude a priority in your life. Today I picked out a rock to hold in my hand at the end of each day and think back to pick the BEST thing that happened that day...EASY...I picked "lunch with my friend Louise"...She has been a friend and confidant for the last 10 years. We had a great time and it was such a good break for me.

What is the purpose of the rock?? It is based on a story, but I think the purpose is to give you a visual and physical reminder to remember...I purposely picked a rock from my flower beds since that is such a source of joy and accomplishment for me. When I brought it inside to wash the dirt off it, there was one side that was rough and pitted...I kind of like that the rock isn't perfectly smooth. It has imperfections, just like I do.

This rock is big enough to hold in my hand, feel the weight, the smoothness and the imperfections that also make it perfect. For the next 27 days I will hold it in my had before I go to sleep and pick the best part of my day to reflect on and to give thanks for.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "I am not ashamed to confess I am ignorant of what I do not know." Marcus Tullius Cicero


  1. Gratitude really IS the key to abundance isn't it??!
    I love reading about you and experiencing the poetry of your thoughts!!
    This insatiable love of learning and growth are such a beautiful part of you that I admire and find joy in.
    Thank you, amy

  2. Sweet! Glad you are going for it. Kinda thought you would be down with the idea. Your rock is great. At first I was like, what the heck? That is a huge rock.....but after your description and personal reason for picking it. I think it is just right also. I have been away from my rock (shell) habit for about 10 days now, ever since we left on our road trip. I imediately fell away from my gratitude practices. LAMEO. That is a bummer. It is still on my mind, but I am excited to pick back up where I left off.
