Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day #19 - Smudge Scrub

Travis and I spent several hours this afternoon washing down walls in the studio apartment under the garage. I really wanted to avoid cleaning that place for a few more months, but Trav seemed pretty determined to get it determined, he actually did a lot of the work.

We had a great renter in was a little weird it was so great. We would find the rent taped on our front door on the first of every month without fail, we would hardly ever see her and when we did see her she would just waive at us as she walked by. It was 6 months of peace and quiet. Then one day she was gone. Oh, we only had a 6 month lease with her while she was working a seasonal job for Park City, but it was rather strange.

Little did we know she was a devil worshipper...just kidding, but she must have had 50 candles burning down there because every surface was BLACK SMUDGE. We just washed down all the walls...we sprayed degreaser on the walls, scrubbed them with the rough side of a sponge soaked in pinesol, washed again with the soft side of the sponge and then used yards of paper towels drying the walls off to wipe away the dirty swirls of black water off the walls. The worst thing is...the walls still look dirty after hours of scrubbing and yet we know they look 100 times better than when we started.

I think I am going to have a contractor I know come up to take a look at that place and see how much it will cost to fix it up a little. We will be painting it at least, bit we are thinking of putting in pergo, a bigger sink (it has this tiny little gold sink that is super hard to keep clean) and taking down the hardy board on the ceiling to re-insulate up there. I would also like to install some sort of ventilation system...there is not a lot of air movement in that place. I'm sure this will all cost more than we want to spend, but it won't hurt to check out the cost at least.

Anyway, Travis made a comment about how we seem to learn something new with every tenant we have. I just wish everything we learned didn't have to cost us hours of physical labor. New rule...NO CANDLES.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "People learn something every day, and a lot of times it's that what they learned the day before was wrong."  ~Bill Vaughan

1 comment:

  1. Love the quote. Sweet. Heck yeah, check into it! That place is very dark, maybe she just needed a little light in her life. Plus you and Trav enjoyed extra bonding time together!!
