Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day #13 - Spice it up!

I have not been blogging as much lately because I have been going to bed earlier than usual and I have been less than inspired on what to write about lately - then, today, I have about 5 things to write about. I think it is so strange when that happens.

Today Travis and I were actually pretty productive (more on that tomorrow) and decided to do a late lunch at Chabasco's - a Mexican Diner w/a fresh salsa bar. The first time I went there I saw the Mango Salsa and it had a picture of 5 peppers by it - this means it is VERY hot - how hot can it really be? I tried it and the initial impact is sweet and the next thing you know, your tongue is numb and you can't taste anything else until you wait a few minutes for the hot effect to wear off. It is still one of my favorites.

Normally I just get a burrito - they are huge and packed with tons of meat, but today Trav and I both got "Shrimp Diablo". Now, I don't know Spanish, but I believe "Diablo" means "Devil"...yes? Travis got this dish the last time we went there and it was DELICIOUS so I wanted to try it this time. My mouth was already on fire with the Mango Salsa explosion and this dish was much hotter than I remembered. After just a few bites I could feel sweat start to bead on my upper lip and Trav's face was starting to turn red. THEN my eyes started to sweat...I can't say they were tearing up because it was like sweat was just pooling in the corners. I actually had to wipe dripping sweat off my neck and I looked at Travis one time and saw drops running down his cheek. Of course, we had to wipe our noses several times during the meal as well, but the best and strangest part of all was when we left and got in the car I was thinking how my ears felt like they needed to be q-tipped...MY EARS SWEATED!!! What the...?

I couldn't help thinking of my parents and how this meal would probably have killed them it was so spicy. A few weeks ago several of us went to eat Mexican food in Farmington and I got the "spicy" Chili was weak, barely a kick to it, but my Brother Jason also thought it was hot and was sweating pretty good by the end of the meal. Today is Jason's Birthday and I am thinking he and Mel should ride the motorcycle up here and we should take them to experience the Devil Dish...I bet Jason will sweat so hard he'll need to change his shirt.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius.” ~ Larry Leissner

1 comment:

  1. OK......YOU are insane! I cannot handle spicy stuff because I sweat! To me that is not being able to handle it. There are times and places where I really want to sweat. I LOVE sweat. I am a sweater! However, NOT while I am eating. No can do. But I like the fact that you and Trav are both into it. Pretty funny. I went to lunch today w/ a friend, and my curry was "spicy" I had to chug loads of water to keep under control. It was very good, but I will pass next time cuz it was a little too Hot.
