Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day #367 - Perspective

I was eating lunch with an old friend and mentor the other day and she told me a story...apparently they had a beloved family dog they lost to old age when her son was about 5 years old. This dog was an important part of their family and the little boy was absolutely devastated by the loss of this animal. In an effort to comfort her son, my friend told him the dog was in a better place and happily chasing squirrels in lush green parks. The boy asked if the dog was in heaven and she told him, "Yes". She told me he seemed to think hard about this for quite a while and then asked, "Mom, is Dog Heaven the same thing as Squirrel Hell?"

I LOVE this story. It is such a prime example of how perspective can change just about any situation I find myself in. Most of the time I am pretty good at ferreting out "the other side of the story" when dealing with difficult situations, but I have a harder time the closer the person is to me. Even then, I usually get to the "other side" eventually after the heat of the moment has past.

I have decided to pay closer attention to the lesson's I have been given the opportunity to learn during my short time here on Earth. I personally believe we are here to learn and grow and this year I am taking an active role in that process as it applies to my life.  I bet as I start paying attention to the challenges that present themselves, I will begin to spot patterns and recognize the life lesson I am being given the blessing to learn about. It should make for an interesting year.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: " In every mistake, there is a message. Some people miss the message because they're too busy berating themselves for the mistake" Unknown Author

1 comment:

  1. Great Post lady. This is a great message. A keeper if you will. I have missed you girl. Glad to be back.
