Monday, March 5, 2012

Day #358 - Lame Brain

So, how gullible can I really be? I do think I might be too trusting in other people. Trav might say I just don't think things through. It was 9:30 p.m.  and there was a ring at the door bell. Naturally Trav has gone to bed already so I went to answer the door; looking out the window I saw a cop standing there.

"What now?" I think...mentally going over anything I may have done to upset my neighbors...can't think of anything. I open the door and the cop asks for the prior owner of this house. Color me relieved...then color me interrogated, "Where did he move to?" "How long ago did he move?" "What is his sign?"...wait, what was that last one? I actually asked the cop if he wanted to come in to see if I could find his phone number in the book...he moved like he might come in and then said, "no thank you, I'll be on my way."

HONESTLY - am I dense or WHAT??? After the cop left I began my journey into the story behind the story and here is what I think...Mr. Cop wanted to date Mr. Prior Homeowner...I tried to strain my brain to see if I noticed the pants were actually pull aways, but I think this guy may have been an actual cop, not the dress up kind. What kind of cop would go to a civilians house to return his driver's license...? That's right, the kind that wants to see you again after meeting at a friends party.

Well, I hope when the cop finds his new true love he tells Mr. Prior Homeowner "Thanks a lot for NOT disclosing the roof leaks!!!"

I Am Grateful (to not be murdered or robbed in my entry way right now),

Diva Quote: "What do you mean you slowed down for that stop sign? If I was hitting you in the head with a hammer would you want me to slow down, or stop?" - Cop Joke


  1. OK.....this cop was a guy? Asking about a guy? Am I getting the story correct? This dude is a little slow on the uptake.....guy has been history it two years??? hmmmmm...... he did not ask "what is his sign"!

    I am going to do a real post again tomorrow. Been too long. Been Klatching too much. I feel behind on lots of things right now. I have a book club book that is stressing me out. I might have to sit this one know what I mean?

    Glad you are alive and well. Those kind of incidents are creepy. I actually had one while Amy and Lance were here. Did I tell you about it? When the cop came to the door at 3:00am?

  2. LOL - Yes, cop was a guy asking about a guy. Apparently the prior homeowner has not updated his driver's license with his new address...neither have I (I still own the other house, so I feel justified :) No - he did not ask what his sign was, but he might as well have. I'm not sure you did tell about the 3 a.m. cop tell.

    I would like a "real" post as well...and I DO know what you mean about sitting out on a book - Sometimes you are just not in the mood!!

  3. Kay......3:00am, sound asleep, Kev is like, someone is at the door. Hey...! Someone's at the door....wha? huh? Oh....oh my gosh, ok. grab red robe. open door, flash light aiming cop out side. Open glass door......aaaaaaaa can I help you officer? Yes, is that your van out there parked on the side of the curb? Well, my sisters rental van. The tailgate is wide open, the light has been on, batteries are probably going to be dead soon. I didn't know if it had been broken into or not, plus there is a small red bag on the ground that looks like it came from the van.
    oh my, walk out side and follow cop to van. hmmmmmmm, ok, I will put this little bag in the van, close hatch. Thank you, good night.

    Same thought process for me though......he could have lurred me out to kill me....or worse. As well as ......WHAT THE HEY AM I DOING GETTING UP AT 3 WHEN MY LITTLE BUDDY NEXT TO ME IS THE ONE THAT HEARD IT, AND IS THE BIG STRONG MAN?? He later told me he just assumed it was some of my work out friends coming to get me or something.

    Any way.....YIKES!

  4. LOL - Totally true...where the heck was K!!?? So, my question is, what are we SUPPOSED to do? "Excuse me for asking officer, but can I see your badge?" How would we even know if it was a real badge??? We should ask a cop sometime about the proper way to identify a real cop and the correct procedure when confronted at your own home. It's a big scary world out there I tell ya.
