Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day #361 - Get Groovy

I was driving to meet Travis for lunch at our favorite Indian Restaurant and was waiting at the longest stop light in history. It was one of those new, just before spring days after a storm has blown through. It looks like the air was just rinsed clean, it smells fresh, the sun is shining and it is not warm, but not crisp either...just beautiful.

While I was stopped at the light waiting my turn to go left I watched a lady walk up the sidewalk to the light to wait to cross the 4 lane street. I felt a moment of envy that she was outside enjoying that beautiful day. I took note she was most likely just out for a nice stroll since she was in levi's and a sweatshirt, but I also noticed she was wearing headphones...and half a smile.

Don't you often wonder what other people listen to when they exercises or stroll? Just as I started wondering she started snapping her fingers while her hand rested near her thigh and THEN her knees started bending alternately w/a little bounce hesitation at every other wasn't an exaggerated move by any means, but it was constant. The song "Single Ladies" by Beyonce came to mind and her bending her knees reminded me of that part in the music video...can't explain it if you don't know what I mean. I could tell she wasn't thinking of the traffic or worried if anyone was watching her; she was totally focused on the song in her ears.

I loved it - it made me smile - I shared her enjoyment for a minute while I waited. I felt gratitude in recognizing a simple, but joyful moment in someone else's life...and she shared it with me without even knowing it, without even trying. Thank you.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Dance for yourself, if someone understands good. If not then no matter, go right on doing what you love."


  1. Yes, I wonder that all the time. I like such an eclectic selection of tunes....the other day I was listening to Cool and the Gang......I feel like that is not right, but I was loving it and thinking about how fun it would be to hear what others are listening to right when I see them. I change it up often. Tina sticks to 80ies music for the most part. Madonna, MJ, all that kind of stuff......yuck, it would drive me nuts to listen to the same stuff over and over. I like to throw A song or two of that time frame in quite often, but not have hours worth of it repeating. What do you like?
    My favorite would still be to plug in a play away book and let my mind run off with the story line.

    I love seeing people like that. Very enjoyable.

  2. Def the play away's are my best bet. Lately we are liking
    "Bright eyes" and I love the song "We are Young" by...? I think they are called 'Fun'?? I like all kinds of stuff.
