Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day #362 - Medicine Man

Well, I've done and gone sick again...bah humbug. I feel like it is the change in altitude on my daily commutes. Over the last several weeks I have been spending 1/2 my day feeling like I am in a tunnel and having difficulty getting my ears to pop after the drive down the mountain. I have been fighting this thing off for over a month now w/vitamins and neti pots, but I think it is now getting the upper hand. Bummer.

Tomorrow I go to the Doc's office to see if I can get an antibiotic. I was reading a book the other day based in the "olden days" and a lady was giving birth. It wasn't super graphic or anything, but it was graphic enough to make me grateful we life in the age of medicine. Sure, we over do it sometimes and maybe it has turned us into wimps, but I am not going to complain about that.

I am going to be happy to spend some time tomorrow morning sitting in my Doctor's office to get some pills that will eventually clear my head up so my eyes don't feel like they are going to push out of my head, my nose feels like it's normal size, the noises around me aren't muffled and my upper teeth stop aching. Can't hardly wait!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "If you work in a hospital, you can't easily fake call in sick to work. 'Oh, you're sick? Well why don't you come in to work and we'll have a look at it?'" Jarod Kintz

1 comment:

  1. No fun.....Sorry to hear that! Keep me posted on what the doc says. Yeah.....glad we have modern med these days also. Each of our kids have gone through a really bad sinus/cough/head cold thing as of late as well. I have evaded it thus far.....no fun!
