Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day #363 - Ah Shucks...

Today one of the Realtors on my Agent Team dropped by a beautiful, hand crafted pen that he made himself w/the most gratifying note I have received in a long time. He wanted to thank me for acknowledging the wonderful job he does with the Buyer's we have had him represent over the last few years.

He told me not long ago that he has a hobby of making pens. I had recently seen this skill displayed at a friend of a friends house not long ago and admire it greatly. There are some really beautiful woods to choose from when designing a pen. I don't know how it is done, but the work seems intricate and can get very detailed. My Agent asked me at the time what my favorite color was "purple" - "ok" he said, "I will make you a purple pen"...I of course made noise about that not being necessary and left it at that.

Then this beautiful, wonderful surprise waited for me at the office when I got done with my Doctor's appointment this morning:

He says in his note that the wood is from South America and is called "Peltogyne" or "Purple Heart" and is the closest wood to purple he could find. I took another photo to see if I could show the purple color better:

Isn't it beautiful? I used the pen today at work today and wrote in careful is hard to write sloppy with a special pen (although my cursive is pretty bad as well). I am considering keeping it at home so I don't do something dumb like lose it, but I would like to keep it in my purse so I can remember often how good it feels to be on the receiving end of someone else's gratitude so I am reminded to share my own more often.

Dave has started his own blog and his own goal to spread gratitude at:

Quote from Dave's Blog:
" I have a lathe and I make pens as a hobby.  I have decided to make 50 pens for 50 individuals who have had an effect on my life.  With these pens I will write a note telling them thank you for the effect they had on my life.  I will post their pictures on the blog and give them the pen I made them. This is not so much for them, but an exercise  to help me be more thankful for others and all they do, and have done for me in my life. "

My pen is #1 "The Purple Heart Pen". I am so honored and am excited to follow his journey.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The pen is the tongue of the mind.” Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

1 comment:

  1. cooooooooooooelle!! Love Dave's project. Love your pen. Love you!!! Way to go sista!
