Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day #277 - I'm Baaaaack

I just got back from being in Denver for a week. We actually got back yesterday and I was so exhausted I went to bed at 8:30 and slept for 9.5 hours straight...it was lovely. We had a really good time visiting with Mike and Debi and I will be blogging about various things over the next week, but I have to say I am SOOOO grateful I have places to put my dog while we are away from home.

I normally have my brother and sister-in-law (Jas & Mel) watch him. I was trying to call Mel to see if we could drop him off to hang out with their dog for a week but couldn't get through. Then I called my sister Amy about something else and she said she would be happy to take Bart. I always worry about that because of her small kids and my dog's unpredictable nature, but we decided to leave him with Amy this past week.

There was a tiny incident between Bart (grumpy old man) and Elle (2 year old) - Lance saw the two were playing well together "Bart was wearing a necklace and Elle was petting and talking to him, but when Elle tried to pierce his ears, Bart nipped at her". Amy suggested he intervene at "necklace" the next time. Other than that, the kids took Bart on a small walk each day, Bart was enthralled with the rabbits and chickens, licked his paws incessantly (just as he would at home) and for the most part seemed to be happy when he came home.

Travis and I were talking this morning about how maybe Bart is less than excited to be home with us sad sacks when he could be hanging out with 3 energetic kids. I am just so grateful he had a safe, friendly place to be while we were away.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "The best way to get a puppy is to beg for a baby brother — and they'll settle for a puppy every time." Winston Pendleton

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome. I bet the kids loved having him there. I also bet Amy loved saying, ok, time for you kids to walk Bart.....bye, bye, remember three times up the street, and three times back....take your time, stay together. I was constantly sending out our four to walk Herbie when they started getting insane. It was either that or it is time to run your mile today. I don't know why I don't do that anymore.....maybe they have calmed down some.
