Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day #276 - Pan

Tomorrow is Trav's Birthday (Pan - sounds like 'pawn' is his Chinese name). Since I have written 10 things I love about my siblings on their birthday's, I figure I can probably come up with a few things I love about my husband. We will be on the road tomorrow without access to computers for a few days, so I thought I would take tonight to make my list.

1 -  AMAZING SENSE OF HUMOR - This is one of the first things I found attractive about Travis - those laughing blue eyes and his gorgeous smile. Trav is an expert at ALL kinds of humor. Where my style is more sarcastic and often self depreciating, Travis can also be subtle, blunt, obvious, serious, boisterous, etc. He can find humor in most situations and I love that about him.

2 - DEEP CHARACTER - I can't think of another way to explain it. One example is how a friend of ours is having trouble with his relationship and instead of telling that friend, "that is normal, Heather drives me crazy all the time." He said, "That is normal, I drive Heather crazy all the time." I am sure the former is totally true, but I think I smiled all night after he told me that. I am not even sure if he realizes he does things like that, but he does it all the time; it is a subtle way that he honors me and I appreciate it more than he knows.

3 - SLEEVE FEELINGS - Travis wears his feelings on his sleeve; everything is just out there for anyone to see. Travis cares deeply for his friends and family and when he gets hurt you know it. If you know who Travis is, it is easy to respond to the glaring farmer tan because he is not shy about showing it off - stripped bare. I think one of the reasons we have been together for so many years is his ability to share what he is feeling. I hope he will always do this with me.

4 - MORNING/EVENING SIT DOWNS - Travis is an early to bed, early to rise kind of guy. He always gets up and gets the house moving before I do and has a built-in alarm system. The best part of my mornings is sitting with him outside when the weather permits it. Sometimes we have a lot to say and sometimes we really just sit there. I just love starting my morning with Travis and I will miss it when I start going to the gym in the mornings when I get back from Denver (yes, I am putting it out there). We will still have our evening sits, but I will really miss it.

5 - STRONGSTER - My Goodness, my man is motivated this year. I am so impressed with the goals he has set for himself and how hard he has worked to achieve them. I have written posts about several of them, but I hope he knows how inspiring he is to me. He is in the best shape of his life and is already thinking of what he wants to achieve next - SOOO proud of him...AND he has the strongest best looking legs around.

6 - SUPPORTSTER - I was doing the whiny wife impression the other night and brought up how he didn't go to my marathon in HI several years ago and he reminded me how he helped me raise all the money so I could go with 'Team in Training'...Oh yeah...Travis worked with me at every fund raiser I had so I could raise the $3,500 I pledged to raise for that run. A few years ago when I was doing 'Relay for Life' Travis helped with garage sales, set ups and take downs, hugs and pep-talks that kept me going. Travis is moral support for my bad days as well...there are days when all I can think about is getting home to Travis so I can feel better.

7 - PATIENCE - I am not sure I can say he is ALWAYS patient, but just the other day I backed my car into a poll (story at another time) and I didn't tell him about it right away. He saw it and came up to me asking if I had seen the car? 'What do you mean?' "someone crashed into the bumper" "WHAT? Really?"...pause in the conversation..."oh honey, did you back into something?" He immediately asked if I was ok and then gave me a hug saying "I'm sorry that happened to you". I think this was a very courteous and thoughtful response to my moronic driving.

8 - GETS IT DONE - I love and sometimes hate this about Travis. I mostly love it because once Travis gets going on something...watch out - he is a whirlwind and wants to get it out of the way of enjoying the rest of his day. The other day Travis called my sister to see when he could come help them move. This made me so happy because I couldn't be there due to work and my impending 5 day vacation (more at a later date). He doesn't like to sit around on the job either - if he is there to move you, get busy moving boxes.

9 - KIDS & ANIMALS - Travis LOVES babies and all my nieces and nephews. I so wish I could have given him one of his own, but am also gratified that he is so great with the children we do have in our lives. I include animals in the same section, because our dog Bart is now 14 years old and Travis still treats him like a puppy and is so sweet to him, well, except when he chews on his paws.

10 - I love that Travis picked ME - of all people, Travis decided I was the one. Just as my life turned out differently than I expected, so has his and he still chooses to be my husband after 17 years. How can I not love that about him.

Sometimes Trav actually reads my blog as well and I hope he reads it tomorrow so he can review just a few things I find amazing about him. I am so glad he was born!!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Inside every older person is a younger person – wondering what the hell happened."


  1. One of your best posts. Those are some awesome qualities that you RECOGNIZE in your spouse and best friend. I really think that not having kids has deepened the relationship you have with each other. Don't you? With out all the distraction, and 90% of your time going to the kids, work, life, exercise, church, chores, sometimes you find the time to get to know each other has vanished. It feels you only know the very outer surface of your mate. You and T have had to go much deeper. That is a good thing. K and I will continue to try. I am guessing in the stage of "empty nesters" we will really get each other figured out.

    Have a great trip! Can't wait to hear about that.

    Sweet, you put it out there alright. Gettin pumped up for you!!

  2. Well yes, but you won't be empty nesters for several years yet. It would be a shame to wait that long...make the time!! HB
