Monday, September 5, 2011

Day #269 - Labor Day/Miner's Day

Today is Labor Day and it is also known as Miner's Day in Park City. Trav and I drove out to town and walked up Main Street and then down below Main Street to the festival. There was food/drinks, live music, stuff for kids and a Muck and Drilling competition that we watched for a minute. By this time my camera was out of juice, but it was pretty interesting to see.

The BEST part of today, was kicking Trav's A** at the bean bag game we played. It was honestly one of the best moments of my life...:)

Park City was established as a mining town. The announcer of the competition said there are over 500 miles of tunnels under Park City. Travis and I went on a tour of one of the mines for one of our anniversary's when we stayed in PC. It seems like a hard job and not one I would be too excited to do.

This photo is a mural painted on the walls of a tunnel to the park. It is pretty cool.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."  ~Lord Acton


  1. Another knock out quote! Where are you gettin these things you quote show off. These guys are to live by.....
    So do you recommend taking that tunnel tour sometime? Was it worthwhile?
    HB...."one of the best moments of your life".....? wowsa....! Well, good for you, I like to win also.

  2. I have to keep SOME secrets!! :) It was a long time ago and I think I liked it more then Travis...sort of like the Mt. Timp cave learn a lot and it is interesting, but it is not necessarily something you would do again ASAP...know what I mean?

    YES!! BEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!! How many opportunities do I get to beat Travis? He laughed at me as well and maybe it is sad...but REALLY...I don't think I have screamed that loud and done that public of a jig for as long as I can remember...I may be pathetic, but it is true. LOL. HB
