Monday, August 27, 2012

Day #54 - Heather + Travis = 18 years

WOW - 18 years sure feels like a landmark...I got online to find out what the traditional gift for this year would be...Porcelain or a trip to China or Denmark. Well...we went a bit more local for our anniversary - we went to Bandits for dinner - good 'ol fashioned BBQ.

I got Trav a pair of shorts to replace the ones I have fixed twice already. They keep getting holes by the back pockets & I keep sewing them up. Trav has really resisted getting a new pair of shorts - he likes what he likes. Travis got me flowers, which is exactly what I wanted:

Those roses are an orange color and are as big as my fist - Beautiful!! Here is what the card said (by one of my favorite photos of Trav):

In case you cannot tell it says, "Well you finally got your flowers. I hope you love them as much as I love you!!" Not long ago I hassled him about not getting me flowers anymore since they are my favorite thing in the whole world...I'm not sorry if it got me this thoughtful bouquet. Here is a picture of my office...have I ever posted one?

I guess the bistro table and chair look kind of goofy, but I like it and people sit in that chair to talk to me all the time. I love my picture of the united states - those are pictures of the states in license plates. I think it looks pretty cool. You cannot see it here, but there is a filing cabinet with a lava lamp on it...agents like to talk about it. Above my desk is where I have my family calendar. I have really come to enjoy my space.

I do love my husband very much. We have good times together and we have some bad times too, but I think we both know we are here for each other and, when it comes right down to it, that is the most important thing.

Happy Anniversary Trav!

I love you for the joy you bring to my life. I'm sorry for my part in any disputes we have, please forgive me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being part of my life for the past 18 years. I love you!

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: from a funny card I recently saw at the store "There are 3 sure ways to have a successful, committed relationship...the problem is no one knows what they are"


  1. Aww. You guys are so cute! Happy anniversary!!!

  2. Awesome! Congrats to you both. Beautiful flowers indeed.

    What a nice office space. You were in a cubicle before weren't you? So this is pure luxury. It is cool that you have your own hang out with your lava lamp....I don't doubt your place is a top sweet spot to chill out for a bit. Relax in the bistro chair, eat an array of tic-tacs while watching the lava move around.....yeah dude. I'd drop by....

  3. I forgot to mention.....I picked that exact picture of the United States up today at Ross (picked it up to look at).....only it was not real liscence plates....just a canvas. Is that from Pottery Barn? I have always loved it.
