Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day #53 - Be Bold!

I have read and listened to many books on tape that teach about receiving and/or recognizing inspiration and then acting on it. I find myself in all kinds of inspirational mood swings lately...some days I feel enlightened and other days I feel lost and mostly I just feel unorganized, but REALLY I think I am uncertain (perhaps this is just another word for cowardly in this case).

One example is my company's Facebook page (FBP). We all know social media is pretty important these days, well, when I first got on our company FBP I was wondering why we had one at all if we weren't going to utilize it. I mentioned it in meetings and suddenly I was put in charge of directing how it should be used...huh? Since that time I have continued to look at it often and stress over it to create a benefit to the public, to the agents and to the company. I feel like the least prepared person to be in charge of this potentially important space since I seem to be technology handicapped.

Over this last week I have been experimenting with a very mysterious energetic cleansing process (not really that mysterious, but it sounds more interesting, doesn't it - more about this in a future post) and then today BOOOOOM, out of nowhere, all these ideas came filtering into my mind. I wasn't even thinking about FB when they came to me, it was just a thought, "It would be pretty cool if..." - download, download, download. Once the ideas started coming, they just dropped like rocks into my mind.

I must say these really are not SUPER revolutionary, just ideas that should not be too hard to implement, but may have the potential to be pretty cool. I am not going to list them here, but I am sure, after approval from my bosses, they will begin to unfold and I will ask my friends to become a friend of our site once it is up and running so you can see what is up. I WILL say, I am so grateful to have received these ideas and that they were so recognizable as inspiration; most days the 'obvious' signals are the best for me.

The crux of this post is here...I am tempted to put this off until I am more "comfortable" with utilizing the facebook admin functions. I have worked almost 4 full months at this company and finally put a landscape photo on our site as a banner. the logo is still not fitting right as the profile pick and no matter how I have tried to fix it, I have been unable to get it right (very frustrating). I have been so timid and worried about messing something up or being criticized for something I put on there, I just didn't do anything at all. Part of that was not knowing what to put on there, but most of it was just not trying out of fear.

Message to self:

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, you improve your world." Dr. Joe Vitale in Zero Limits


  1. You're awesome! Don't you want to post notes like that to yourself then hang them on the back sides of your eyelids!! - then each time you blinked you'd be reminded of your own wonder and power!!
    In the movie "we bought a zoo". The guy has a brother that teaches his shy younger bro. That you only need to be courageous for 20 seconds. (the amount of time needed to act on a thought like saying hi to someone new, giving the compliment you just thought to a person who may intimidate you, ect...) I liked that movie more than I expected to.
    More and more it's feeling like lance and I will have to join the ranks of mankind and get new cell phones. I anticipate the fun of being more connected to those I love, and at the same time dread the gruggery of having an electronically powered gadget with or near me at all waking hours!
    xoxo Aim

  2. You have lots of excitement going on HB....for real.....and lately you are often leaving your posts with cliff hangers. To be continued. Until next time. More next post. etc. Dang sure know how to keep us coming back.

    Love your experience! Awesome....way to work it. Go for it.

    Aim, I loved that movie for that one line alone. Have used it, and been able to propel myself forward on more than one occasion because of it. It is such an empowering notion, that I can be courageous for 20 seconds. Think of the possibilities!
