Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day #48 - Evidence

What evidence do you have that you can do what you think you can? This question was posed at an office meeting today. One agent shared a formula that he has hanging on his office wall - I believe he even called it a mathematical equation. He lists his biggest achievements in order of completion with his newest goal at the end of the line...

Graduate of Business School at BYU...(this should be an arrow)...Earn $250,000 in one year...Sell 50 houses in one year...sell 60 houses in one year (current goal)

This is the evidence he uses to remind himself of all he has already done and all he is capable of doing. He has already sold 50 houses in one year...what more will it take to sell just 10 more per year?

After the meeting I went back to my office and started to think this over an how it applies to my life and my personal goals as well as my business goals. My personal one looks like:

Associates of Science Degree from SLCC...Earned Real Estate License...Ran a Marathon...Cancer Survivor...Relay for Life Chair...acquired new job w/increased responsibilities/salary...Married 18 years (this is my newest one, not that I feel I am in any danger of not making that goal since my anniversary is only weeks away).

In many ways I look at this and feel like I haven't really tried hard enough to plan things out and accomplish much of note in my 38 years. In other ways it is kind of interesting to look back and pick out some highlights of my life that are goal posts, climaxes if you will, and use them as evidence of my ability to create and achieve new goals.

We just started our new book club book at the office. It is called "Mastery" by George Leonard. I just picked my copy up today so haven't started reading it yet, but at the book club meeting someone talked about how life is a series of climaxes and in between those high spots are the is in these plateaus that we live life and make our way toward those goals...this is where we enjoy the journey to mastery.

I am excited to read it and I think I will begin to create a vision board (it has been several years since I made one) and list some evidence along with it to remind myself I really am capable of achieving some pretty great things.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment" Buddha (I think he TRULY lived in the plateau moments)

1 comment:

  1. Man. I sure did love this post. I am going to read it a few more times.....I may pick up the book up and read it with you guys.

    I was reading a great conference talk the other day, it really hit home for me. It is called "Always in the Middle", by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I think you would really like it, (from the July issue) maybe I will post the link on my blog. It reminds me of this post, of our life revolving around these goals and just takes the approach from a different angle. I liked it.

    In our office I have the whole wall in front of me covered with race tags, medals, happy pictures, quotes and so forth. It is inspiring and does make my want to reach for other opportunities that are just out of reach....but with the evidence before my eyes that I will be able to accomplish it.

    I look forward to hearing more about your vision board....I think I'd get a lot out of making one to. It's kind of like a wish board right.....? maybe it is bigger than that.....the vision that you have for your life is more than wishes I guess.
