Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What Life?

Sometimes when momentum gets going it is hard to remember the way things "used" to be. I am sneaking these next few minutes to write a bit because I haven't had a chance for several days and last night I sat here at this desk thinking about what I would normally be doing if not working and my mind just went blank. I keep reminding myself this is just temporary...within the next 30 days things will level off, my new assistant at work will be in place and processes will be completely transitioned on the new account. I have never so looked forward to the month of May like I am looking forward to it this year. All is well.

Today I actually made it to book club - I haven't gone for the last 3 weeks or so and it was a surprise to me to realize I had totally blocked book club from my mind. This is my all time favorite meeting every week, so I was pretty stunned when I realized it hadn't even floated by as a thought in my mind for several weeks...weird. Today I went and, although I haven't been reading the book (oh yeah, that is what I would normally be doing at night), I loved one part that was discussed today.

There seems to be a misconception by some people that praising others somehow diminishes ourselves OR if we share our trade secrets we will be jeopardizing our business and giving away our competitive edge. Today I was reminded of the following:

  • There is plenty of business for all of us. 
  • Praising others in public creates trust and encourages loyalty
  • Paying attention to people is the single most productive thing we can do

I have always believed I do not need to be threatened by lack of business. Since working at my new company this past year, I can absolutely say I still believe we can all experience a high level of success doing whatever we are doing. There has only been one time in my career that I held back some information (besides the proprietary kind of course) that I felt might give my competition the edge and for some reason it has really bothered me for years. 

Once upon a time there was a commercial group that was trying to get residential leads from a client we both worked with...I felt very threatened and gave a very blunt answer when asked what we did to manage utilities on vacant residential homes. This process is not brain surgery...anyone can figure out how to put utilities in the company name and then seek reimbursement for the costs from a client, but for some reason I felt if I divulged the process to this commercial agent, I would be creating a situation where some of "my" business would be going to my about lack of confidence. I've always felt bad about this. Think if I had helped him and later I had a question about something in the commercial world...I could call and ask questions and he might have helped me out. I'll never know - I have never talked to him since. 

I love praising others - I love noticing amazing acts of kindness, good strong work ethics or any kind of business successes and accomplishments. I did like the reminder of how important it is to recognize others in public, not just one-on-one. 

Paying attention to people...really listening. If you are going to be stuck talking to someone for any length of time...why not pay attention while you are engaged. Lately I have felt myself drifting, thinking of all the things I need to do, instead of really focusing on the person in front of me. Just a reminder to self, "Just THINKING about something won't actually get it done...might as well focus on the moment and think about SOMETHING later". Just a thought. 

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: “Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.” - Dr. Seuss


  1. There is a light in sight. So you are saying that you are working your brains are getting your own assistant, that is great. Did you assist in the hiring process? Hope so. I am working with this lady right now on our schools garden fest. I have never met a person with so much drive, and organizational skills. She is so wonderful. I am constantly impressed with her lack of fear and ability to walk in a store and ask for donations, and come out with loads of items, or gift cards every time. She lacks fear, or is it pride? What is it? I would hire her in a split second. She makes graphs, charts, lists and does not miss a detail. I wish SHE could be your assistant.

    I wish you would just call that commercial guy hey, how did that utilities thing work out for you? I was wishing I had told you........ well good luck to you buddy! You know. I hate it when things bother me.....I need closure. There is one thing I can think of right now that has bothered me for years, over 16 years. Sometimes it just pops into my head to nag at me. It is a stupid experience, and it all worked out fine. But it was a time when, I guess like you, my integrity faltered. I really hated to see myself be so careless w/ my "good-name" and the person I know I am. I know I am building it had to do with misplaced sun glasses.....I probably already told you about it anyway.

    I love your reminders. All perfect. I have to give a little pep talk to our Choffy team tomorrow.....I think I will fit your advice in.

    Thanks for taking the time to write! I always benefit and enjoy hearing form you.

    Love, M

  2. I do not recall the misplaced sun glass should share and maybe I will remember. I think the big deal was that I consciously chose not to be helpful - this is not my typical nature, so I am sure it is a bigger deal to me than to the other person and that is why it stands out so clearly for me; a good lesson for me.

    I'd love to hire your friend...send her over!! :) Frankly, I wish I could hire you. Move to Utah! You'd have me organized before I could turn that would be lovely.

  3. Yes, that would be totally awesome! Then I could come to all your inspirational meetings, and book club to!

    Yes, not my nature, out of character. Exactly. Yes, in the summer I will tell ya all about the sunglass thing.
