Monday, January 21, 2013

Day #91 - Finally

WE FINISHED THE FAMILY CALENDAR!! It really does feel like a miracle. We normally try to get the calendar done in November and it seems to get later every year. This year I was ready to bag it, but my Mom really seemed set on getting it done and even went so far as to print of the date pages herself. The best part of this is how many "holidays" are listed in the months...there is probably a "gum eating" day in there somewhere...we were all kind of giggling about it.

I am super stoked it is done. I think most of us do not do much with our photos taken during the year. For me, at least, this calendar is my scrapbook and the pictorial progression/history of my family. I am very grateful we do this every year and am glad Mom didn't let us off the hook.

The other great thing about the calendar this year is the kids wanted to help out. Abbie completed one of the pages for us and I was super impressed...suddenly I realized the calendar will begin to get easier as the kids get old enough to begin to help and most likely eventually take over. I do enjoy doing some of the pages, but it will be wonderful to have more hands on deck and to see how others represent their creativity and talents in building the pages.

I went back down to my parents house today to get my hair done...sure seems like I'm getting my hair done a lot, doesn't it? I was disturbed to hear my Mom has been very sick. Dad took her on a trip to AZ and she had to stay in the hotel for 4 days due to some vertigo issues that were causing her to throw up and fall over. She is still not doing well and the doctor thinks it will take 4 to 6 weeks for her to recover. On top of this, and the constant lingering cough, she has gout in her foot. I just had an agent in my office go through a bout with gout and he was MISERABLE.

Learning about how poorly Mom has been feeling made me really want to spend more time with her. I hate seeing her feeling so badly and it freaks me out. Frankly, I can't stand that all of us are getting older. Amy told us today that someone asked her who was older, her or Keri, we had a good laugh and Keri was appalled (she is 4 years younger). I think we are all feeling the years creeping up on us. This is also one more reason the calendar is so important to me - all the good times and memories are there for review anytime we want them.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "You may delay, but time will not.” Benjamin Franklin


  1. Agreed! Good to get it done it is fun to look at all year my kids take it down and roll through the months frequently. Also agreed, hard to see mom struggle with her health in such a fierce combination of ways. I tried to convince mindy yesterday that she needs to move back to be close to our parents and the dudes.

  2. Great news HB. At first I didn't think it was a big deal either. We can let one year slide. But dang if we did not get home and miss that thing. We were actually in a calendar shortage. I had to hodge podge one together for my office, I purchased one for the fridge, but we are all looking forward to getting "OUR" calendar. So THANKS everybody for making it happen.

    Age - HA! I can relate to the "who is older" question. Remember the time at Amy's spa when the sweet adorable little receptionist asked Amy (in front of me) if I was her mom???? You little *##@!! how dare you! How could you be so cruel? Learn some manners sweetie pie. Anyway, it is easy to get sensitive in that area. We all have our little scrap of pride we are trying to hang onto.

    Yes! You do seem to be getting your hair done a bunch lately! You must be a MILLIONAIRE! If I was a millionaire I would to. But no......I am into my mascara for hair longevity. Gotta Stttttttttrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeetttttttttttccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh that hair dollar.

    Yes, I am going to call mom today and check in. It was been several days since we last spoke. I hope she has had some improvement.

    I just noticed you took all your back ground photos off your blog. Simplifying?

  3. Huh...I didn't realize the background had changed until you mentioned it...I didn't do it. Weird. I need to follow-up with Mel to see when those calendars will be ready - I too am experiencing a calendar shortage.
