Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day #90 - Gotta Lava Kathy

In November I lost a neighbor...she moved. Tonight Trav and I took her to dinner and it was so fun to see her again.

This particular friend, Kathy, is pretty interesting. Kathy is the friend that took me on the girls trip to Lava Hot Springs this past summer. She is SUPER outgoing and makes friends everywhere. She is accepting of anyone and everyone, except perhaps her son's girlfriend (but truly what Mom is), she's well traveled and has a zillion different interests.

I have decided she is going to be our local restaurant guide. Tonight we went to a Greek place Trav and I have been to before, but during dinner we were talking about our favorite kinds of food and I realized, as I have in the past, how much variety she has in her life. Kathy is not afraid to try anything new. We were talking about all kinds of cuisine: Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Bohemian, Tia, Sushi, etc.

Kathy knew of a locally owned restaurant for all of the different kinds of food. In the course of dinner, Trav made fun of me for loving Chili's (mmmm fajitas) and she told us she very rarely eats at a chain restaurant. She is one of those people that supports local business owners for all kinds of goods and services. I admire this. It is so easy to just go to a big box store for gifts, clothing or household stuff, when it might make a huge difference to a local business owner to purchase from them instead.

This is something I want to work on - I want to try out some local shops the next time I am looking for a gift and the next time we go to dinner with Kathy, hopefully next month, we will go that that Bohemian restaurant owned by that cute couple Kathy met there.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "There's only us, there's only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other road, no other way; no day but today!" -- Jonathan Larson


  1. Yes, I admire that also. I want to be more like Kathy as well. I pride myself thinking I really like to try new things.....but the truth of the matter is that that is a bold face lie on certain issues. I am comfortable at "Boxed" places as well.

    While we were in Key West for the Ragnar a few weeks back we went to a local hot spot for brunch. All the gals were trying Lobster stuffed this, seafood crepes, deep fried green beans, etc. What did I go for??? A small stack, eggs over easy, and sausage. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?? Yes, it did indeed sound good to me. I was really hankering something with syrup. But gosh dang it......I CAN HAVE THAT ANY TIME....and DO. I was disappointed, why? Well, they tasted just exactly like they always do anywhere else. no DUH. I really want to get out of my box also. I will try and keep you posted....I await your daring as well : )

    One thing I am proud of, and it was REALLY fun to purchase. Was at a green market I stumbled upon before Christmas. I went in to purchase 2 tomatoes......came out with a fantasticly unique gift for Ryker's 14th b-day. A homemade indian whistle, a music shaker, dream catcher, protective bag, and indian map. All hand made. $50 later I could not wait to give them to him. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT!!

  2. I have a hard time ordering new things at restaurants I've been to a lot. When you know what you like it is hard to justify a new dish you might end up hating. I'm sure it is the same with the old stand by favorites like pancakes.

    How did Ryker like the unique gift?
