Monday, December 17, 2012

Day #86 - Is it a wonderful life?

Don't let the title fool ya...of course life is wonderful; my question relates to re-writing reality. Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if...'such and such' hadn't happened or if 'such and such' DID happen? Wouldn't it be interesting to experience "The Ghost of Christmas Future" or get a glimpse of what life would look like if one decision was made differently in your life?

I was watching Glee, of all things, the other night and one of the characters, Artie, who is in a wheelchair, wishes he was never in the chair and that he could walk and be normal. He wishes these things because his trials are hard and he thinks things would be better if he got what he most wanted. Turns out, he would be able to walk, but none of his friends would be the same because he hadn't influenced them or meant the same things to them when his priorities and attitudes were different.

We have all seen "It's a Wonderful Life" - if you haven't you should see it - about the guy who thinks he'd be better off dead; and most of us are familiar with "The Christmas Carol" - the old curmudgeon whose life changes with perspective...I have thought, at different times in my life, that things could have/should have/would have been different if...but it's funny how we always imagine the best scenario or the better than we've got it scenario when we are looking back. Maybe it has something to do with that pesky 20/20 hind-sight vision.

What if the truth of the matter is, we made the choices that have given us our best lifes? And any other choice would have turned out worse, or not as good as we've got it today...I guess we will never really know. Whatever the reason for "what if" look backs...yet another name for 'regret'...I choose to believe things are happening the way they are meant to and life is good, just the way it is...minus a few pounds...;0 and the only re-writes that need to occur are the ones on my blog or in my own vision of my future. Write on friends.

I Am Grateful,

Diva Quote: "By its very nature, history is always a one-sided account.” Dan Brown

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Welcome back!!! I've missed you!

    Yes, sure, I think we all do that from time to time..... do you remember the movie with Gweneth Paltro.....I cannot remember the name of it, but it was a run through of her life in two scenarios, one she missed her morning train, one she caught it. Two completely different lifes......I just looked it up, Sliding Doors. I loved it. (I also chose my hair from it at the time).

    I am looking forward to seeing you. We are trying to plan a girl day on the 26th.....can you get some time off work to hang with us?? I emailed you ton of photos last night. Accidentally sent a few running collages by mistake, probably won't want a picture of my Christmas mug in the family calendar.

    Hey, we could probably even come up to your place on the 26th if you want.....just shoot some ideas out. Keri leaves the afternoon of the 26th for Vegas, so maybe a brunch type thing. Then we can kick back and play a few cards if any one is interested.

    I choose to believe that to. Things are happening the way they are meant to, life is good.
